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Lily woke up on her stiff bed, slowly sitting up. Remembering she was back in her room, she stood up.
Her room was grey with padded walls, a single window viewing outside the building, not really showing much except the sectioned off courtyards. Looking down, she tugged down her plain white shirt, her pants matching as well as her shoes.
She's been here for a few weeks now, after that episode of insanity back at Mark's house. The cops took her here, the local insane asylum. She hates it, she wants to get out. Whenever she tries to, however, she always got caught, getting stabbed in the neck by a syringe filled with something that knocks you out instantly.
Lily heard a door open, and she immediately jumped to attention. It wasn't her door, but she looked out the little crack between it and the wall. She noticed a few more policemen walking past, practically dragging somebody with them. She got a glance of bright green hair, but couldn't put her finger on who it was.

Slowly turning the door handle, it didn't move, and she cursed under her breath, forgetting it was always locked. Starting to walk back towards her bed, she heard another door open, and it was the one next to hers. Heading over to the wall, she put her ear against it, listening closely.

"Make sure when he wakes up, you're in the room in case we need to restrain him." She heard a woman say. "Sean McLoughlin is one of many dangerous people here in the asylum."

Lily's eyes widened. Did they just say Sean McLoughlin?? As in JackSepticEye???

"That's not possible..." She breathed.

"Oh it is possible." She heard a voice say. Whirling around, she groaned as she saw Natemare sitting on her bed.

"Ugh..the hell do you want?" She asked.

"The same thing I've always been wanting." He said. "You."

"You know that's not gonna happen."

"That's what you keep saying..but I know it will." Natemare said, the scary smile on his face. "You know about Mark, right? Your precious boyfriend?"

Lily's shoulders tensed. "We're not talking about what happened that made me come here..."

Natemare laughed. "Not that you dummy.." He smiled again. "He's dead."

Lily froze, her eyes huge. "I don't believe you..."

"Reports say it was 'An act of defense due to multiple facial wounds from what appears to be punches, including a stab wound right in the gut.'" He stood from the bed. "Oh and uh..this happened after he came back from robbing a store and killing policemen with a bomb."

She began to shake, getting furious with him. "That's not're toying with my mind..." She clawed her hands into her hair. "Get OUT!!!"

"Aww..keep yelling all you want, sweetheart.." Natemare said. "It'll only get you in trouble."

"Just leave me alone!!!" Lily yelled when her door was forcefully opened. She felt hands grabbing her by the arms, and she tried fighting them off when they injected her with the same stuff that knocked her out. Instantly kicking in, she fell slack in their grip.

Sean was still unconscious, but he was in his own little dream world. He was back in Brighton, standing on the beach, the warm sand filling the cracks between his toes. The sun was setting, seeing it sparkle on the surface of the water.

"Jack.." He heard a voice say, making him look all around. Why is someone calling him Jack now? Not that it matters to him but still.

He looked from left to right, but saw nobody. "Who's there?" He asked out loud, not getting a response. "Hello??"
He suddenly felt a jolt go through him, as if he's starting to wake up on the other side. The scenery began to fade away from his sight.

"This is Chase..."
He felt baffled. Did that voice just say they're Chase?? But he's an ego he made up! There's no way he's real!

"You need to wake up..."

That was the last thing he heard before he opened his eyes, bolting upright on the bed, his forehead glistening with sweat. There were three others in the room with him.

"Sean McLoughlin." One of them said, their blonde hair up in a tight bun, her blue eyes almost the same as his. "Do you know where you are?"

It took him a few seconds to speak, his voice raspy. "W-Where am I? What's going on?"

"You're in an insane asylum." She continued. "My name is Rose. And the other two are Felicia and David. We're here to help you." She took out a notepad and a pen. "For starters..what's the last thing you remember?"

Flashbacks of back at Mark's house popped in his mind, some making him cringe. "I...I was at Mark's house...and he...he was a criminal and..he tried to kill me..."

"And?" David asked, fixing his spiky brown hair, folding his arms across his chest, his hazel eyes bright.

Sean had that specific moment pop up in his mind, when he stabbed him, and when that...that voice...came into his brain. "I-I killed him instead...and...then I wake up here..."

Rose was jotting down notes before looking up at him. "Do you know why you killed your friend?"

"I told you..he was a criminal.." He said, hugging his knees to his chest. "I...I had no choice.."

Felicia stepped up, her loud heels breaking through the silence, her black wavy hair behind her back. "Was it your intention to kill him?"

"Why're you asking me this??" Sean suddenly snapped, causing the others to stand defensively. "I told you what I remember, and that's that!" He slightly rocked back and forth when suddenly, he giggled again. That same giggle that scared him last time, but now it didn't seem to bother him. "He deserved what was coming to him."

Rose nodded cautiously. "Okaaayyy...did...someone tell you to do it?"

He snapped his head up to her. "Don't worry about it." He growled. "Get out..."

"There's still one more question, Sean.." David said, but Sean suddenly stood up from the bed, shoving him back.


Rose and Felicia immediately restrained him from doing anymore, Rose injecting him with more morphine. Almost instantly, Sean collapsed back onto the bed.

"Alright then.." Felicia said. "We'll have to tell them about this.."

"Agreed." Rose said, and the three of them headed out of his room.

Insane Asylum (Natemare/Antisepticeye story)Where stories live. Discover now