Kylie's POV.
Hi I'm Kylie and I'm 15 years old. I'm in a cancer facility with about 48 other kids with cancer. I'm also an orphan because when I got cancer my dad was in jail and my mom knew she was dying but she never told me. Anyways, I was sitting in my room as normal, Then my nurse / caretaker came in. "Kylie sweetheart are you busy?" She Asked walking in my room. Actually yes, I am busy. I'm busy like I am every day. Wanna know how I'm busy? I'm 15 and I think about dying. I already have my HOLE funeral planed out in my "death thoughts" note book. But I stopped staring off in space like a retard and looked at her with tears in my eyes. "I'm busy like every other day Casey." I said very sad and she could tell. "Well I have some news." She said sitting on my bed and rubbing my back. "What?" I asked looking puzzled. "For your 15th birthday the staff and I pitched in and got you this." she said as she took an Apple laptop out of a brown leather bag. "Oh. Oh wow. Thanks guys!" I said hugging Casey as hard as I could. "Ok well I'll be back in a little bit. Ok?" She said walking out the door. "OK!" I yelled back to her. I could hear her laughing. She was like a big sister to me. She was only 28 so she is old anought to be my older sister. So I opened the laptop. It had a Shoey? I ship it background on the backscreen like i do on my old crappy ipod. So I logged into my YouTube account and shane posted a new video with Joey. So being me I clicked on it. It was called Cancer Patients.
"Hey what's up you guys. I'm here with Joey Graceffa. And we have a big announcement." shane said staring at Joey kinda like saying ok get on with it Joey. "We are going to visit someone from the names we got in our raffle from last weekends vlog." Joey said clapping very fast. I paused the video. I put my name in that. I thought to myself. Hmmmm. I clicked play. "Ok so we are gonna pick the name of our lucky winner out of a hat. Ok here it gos." Joey said throwing his hand into the bag. " And the winner is..... Kylie Gramble!" Shane said with a huge smile. "It's even better because she lives in California. But this next part is very sad and Kylie if your watching this god bless you." Shane said before taking to note out that I wrote him. "Dear Shane and Joey, I'm a HUGE fan and I would really like to be the winner of your raffle. You wanted something like an autobiography so here it is. I have a type of cancer." Shane stopped. His eyes began to tear up. "S-sorry guys it's it's just so sad and if you where reading it on person it's horribly sad." Shane said as he started to read my thing again. "It's in my bones and in my lungs. I have an air thing. I'm also In a cancer hospital type thing. But I'm on the wing where the kids are "really sick" but Im not contages I promise.There is only about 6 other kids in my hall but they are all like 4-7. I spend my free time drawing out my funeral in a "death thoughts" note book I've had since I was 8. I know I'm gonna die because all my doctors say I won't live to the age 21 to have my first drink. But as long as I meet my idols I don't care when I die. Well I hope to meet you guys in person love you ~Kylie Gramble age 15." Shane looked at Joey who was balling his eyes out. "Well Kylie we will be at your cancer hospital tommorow at 12 o'clock." Shane said rubbing joeys back. "I'm so touched Kylie. Are you an author?" Joey said looking into the camera. "Well we'll figure all this out tommorow bye guy and see you soon Kylie!bwaaaa." then he ate the camera.
Hey guys! This is already very fun to be writing! I'll right more soon! Bye lovleys!