Chapter 5

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"Do you think we should move her?" A familiar voice says above me. "Yeah, she doesn't look comfortable. But Danielle's asleep, so do you think we should put her on the sofa?"

I detect that it is Harry and Louis' voices.

I feel someone gently pick me up bridal style and carry me away.

"Hey Louis, could you grab a wet tissue or cloth for Darcie please? I want to clean up her face," Harry says from above me.

I am lain down, and instantly after, I feel something cold wiping my face.

"I hope that this doesn't wake her up. She needs to sleep," Louis whispers.

Harry picks up my hands and wipes them clean.

"She really wears a lot of makeup" Harry comments.

"She doesn't need it" Louis replies.

She doesn't need it... I've always worn makeup. So I guess no one has seen me without makeup. I should consider not wearing it all the time.

"Lou, what's the time?" Harry asks quietly.

"It's about 6ish" Louis replies.

"Tell me again why we are up this early?" Harry asks, still clutching one of my hands.

"We didn't sleep, remember? Danielle and Liam went to bed a few hours ago, but we stayed up"

"Oh right. Wow I can't believe I forgot that"

"Hey, it's fine Harry. Would you like some cereal?" Louis asks, his voice coming closer to me.

"Might as well. Do they have much?"

"Let me go check"

I hear Louis walk off towards the kitchen and Harry squeezes my hand a little harder.

"I think I like you Darcie" He says almost silently.

Maybe I wasn't supposed to hear that.

"They have rice bursts or wheat bran" Louis says breaking the awkward but no so awkward silence.

"Do you want me to make you something Lou?"

"Could you?"

"Of course. Do you want to stay out here with Darcie, to comfort her?"


Harry sets my hand down at my side softy and walks towards the kitchen.

Louis gently lifts my upper body up slightly and rests me on his lap.

He brushes his index finger down my cheek and I slightly smile, but then realise that I am meant to be asleep.

"Oh, Darcie, did I wake you?" Louis asks, turning my head a little.

I act as though I just woke up.

"You are so different to last night," Louis then lowers his voice. "Is your rude thing just an act?"

I look into Louis' eyes deeply for a few seconds before looking away.

"I don't want to be myself, because I'm always worrying that people won't like the real me."

"Darcie, you are being yourself now, and I do prefer this you. I didn't think you were like that, even when I first met you."

"Really?" I croak out.

"Yeah-" Louis is then interrupted by Harry, who is bringing the eggs in.

"That was quick" Louis states.

"Hah, I know"

"Oh yeah, and look who's awake" Louis draws Harry over towards me.

"Well good morning Darcie" Harry smirks and stands behind the sofa. He leans around Louis and tussles my hair.

"Do you boys want to go shopping today?" I ask them both.

"Sure, why not" Louis answers.

Harry gives me an odd look.

"Harry, you haven't met Darcie before. Darcie, this is Harry"

I look up at Harry from Louis' lap and he seems utterly confused.

"Louis thinks I've always put on an act and I'm not actually rude. I think he wants you to meet this 'other' side of me"

Harry thinks for a second, then I see a realisation on his face that he understands.

"Hey what time is it anyway?"

"'Bout 6 o'clock" Both of them answer at the same time.

I grin and turn my head so I am on my side and facing away from everyone.

"I'm going to try to get more sleep. And Lou, you are quite comfortable. Don't move"


(A/N) Ooooo... that was unexpected. What do you ship? Harry and Darcie? Niall and Darcie? Any others?

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