Chapter 8

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"You have amnesia Darcie. The good thing is that it is only temporary, which means it can only last up to 10 years"

My eyes widen and my eyes flicker between the doctor and Darcie.

She doesn't even know who I am.

She doesn't know about herself.

I slam myself into the seat behind me and bury my hands deep into my hands so I can think.

I wouldn't even care if this was some sick joke at the moment. Anything is better than her having amnesia.



*Harry's POV*

I can see the pain Niall is going through.

He has curled himself into a ball and hasn't moved in ages.

I had a good streak with her.

Niall didn't.

I think I should be more unhappy about this.

What am I saying? That is so rude.

I have been on my phone trying to take my mind off of her.

Darcie is sitting in the hospital awkwardly because she doesn't really have anyone to talk to.

I would, but I don't want to break my heart.


*Niall's POV*

We haven't talked in days. She must be feeling so awkward.

But she can't do anything about it because it is something internally.

I pull back the curtain back with my foot, and look out from our 5th floor.

Not much is visible at the moment because of the darkness of the night.

I can't exactly sleep properly at the moment.

I pick up my guitar that is leaning against Darcie's bed.

I brought it in here on the second day Darcie has been in here, but I haven't really used it yet.

I strum a few chords quietly, and then pick up my song book out my bag which is crumpled on the floor.

"Whenever I close my eyes I picture you there.

I'm looking out at the crowd your everywhere."

I close my eyes and let the rhythm fill my heart.

"Wow" I hear someone say.

I stop singing and look at Darcie.

She was watching me sing a song I wrote about her.


"You are an amazing singer"

I close my eyes and face my head away from her.

"What's wrong? Wasn't I supposed to hear you?" Darcie says, with a bit if hurt in her voice.

"No, that's not it..."

I place my guitar down and stand up.

I stretch and walk out of the room.

I still can't get over the fact that she doesn't know me. It's killing me silently.

I hum a little rhythm and some lyrics comes to my mind.

"It makes your lips so kissable... And your kiss so unmissable... Your fingertips so touchable. And your eyes... Irresistible"

I finish singing but keep humming.

Ugh now I can't get it out of my head. I might as well write it down.

I re-enter Darcie's room and stand next to Darcie's bed.

"Niall, do you know what happened to me?" Darcie asks me.

"I can't tell you, I'm sorry." I whisper.

"That's fine"

I lift Darcie's right hand and stroke it gently.

"How are you feeling?" I ask shyly.

She shrugs the adorable way she does where she looks to the side and her cheeks blush.

"Alright I guess"

"Why just alright?" I tilt my head in a confused way.

"I don't know you, or anyone. I'm trying to think into the deepest parts of my brain but I can't find anything. I want to know who every truly is"

"That seems so painful. You poor thing" I reply, sitting down.

"I can't help it though"

"Everyone has made sure you have been able to get through this. You weren't supposed to make it, so we are so grateful."

"I heard that. It's almost like I have a second chance"

I let go of Darcie's hand and enter a deep thought.

"Are YOU alright?" She asks

"Can I tell you something? Promise you wont tell?" I ask.

"Absolutely. Cross my heart and hope to die"

"Um, well..."

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