Teen Talk - Advice

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 The True Meaning of Friendship.


It is extremely difficult to summarize the true meaning of friendship in a few words. ... Friendship is a big subject and the heart of it is something that we sense in various aspects of life. I believe it is the purest form of any relationship, simply because of the fact that if you truly consider someone to be your friend, things like family, looks, money, or background, doesn't really matter.


Remember, making friends when we were 5 or 6 years old, we never saw if the other kid had a fancy school bag, or, if they was good in studies; the simple fact that they would share lunch with us, let us play with them, or let us sit next to them in class, was enough to make that kid our friend. Yes, there was no judgment in that phase of life. If you think of it, the bond of friendship built in childhood is the strongest. As you grow in life, you start judging people, and you are judged in return.  A friendship that is based on judgment is not truly friendship.


The teenage years are the years where we begin to experiment. The rebel within us takes form and challenges everything that is learned so far. Many of us lose track of ourselves, we fight with the demons of hate and violence residing in us. At this juncture, the wisdom of friends is what comes to our rescue. True friendship is the one which provides the searchlight over the vast ocean of troubles and tribulations. The wise counsels of friends show us the way and the path to be taken. True friendship is the one that does not give up in this phase.


Like in the series 'Harry Potter', for me it is more the emphasis on the friendship of Harry, Ron, and Hermione than the adventures. All through the book the duo, Hermione and Ron, come out unscathed, out of near-to-death situations for Harry. The series is an excellent show of their valor, determination and undying love for each other. The 4th book, sees Harry generously give away his prize to Fred and George, it is Fred who lost his life in saving Harry in the last book. The author, J.K. Rowling has created the magical fantasy for children. But the book has far more interesting lessons for teens and adults too. They are the lessons that 'love over hate always wins the race'. This unconditional love for friends is a lesson we usually forget in the maddening race of life.


So when we ask ourselves which person in our lives mean the most to us, we may find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen to share our pain. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair, who can stay with us in an hour of grief, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares.


You are really lucky if you have a person like this in your life, do not take it for granted! You will find a thousand people who will call you a "friend", most of you can look at your wattpad profile and you'll know what I'm talking about. Ask yourself, out of all the friends in your profile, is there even one who would fit into the statement written above?


A friend is a person who has different roles in our lives; the one who spoils us, the one who guides us, the one who hurts us, and also the one who comforts us in despair. A real friend is the person who gives you the freedom to be yourself, the liberty to let go of the mask that you wear for the rest of the world. Your true friend will not judge you, they will not condemn you; on the contrary, they will believe in you, hold your hand when you ask them to leave you alone, tell you when you have done wrong, but assure you that things will be right again. A true friend is the one who will never leave you in difficult times ...As I mentioned earlier, there are many aspects to this relationship. Many people tend to believe that a friend can only be someone who is outside your family; if you think the same, try to look closer before widening your horizon. If you have a shoulder, other than your own, to take your weight; if you have a hand other than your own to wipe your tears; if you have ears other than your own, to listen to your unspoken words; then you surely have a friend, in the true sense of it.


As You Sow, So You Reap ...The reason why most people fail to find a true friend, is because they forget that friendship is a two-way journey! We get easily angered when we don't receive what we expect, but have you given it a thought, that your friend also expects from you? The problem is that when we know that there is a person who will stick to us at all times, we tend to take that person for granted. Friendship is a relationship that needs nurturing, it needs elements like love, understanding, commitment, trust, and respect. The beauty of it all is that all these things come naturally, not forcefully! The issue is that when we get too comfortable with a person, we tend to do, or say things in a disrespectful way, which can be hurtful at times. Many a time, we don't even realize if we have been arrogant, therefore, if you wish to have a friendship as strong as it can get, never ever take the people in your life for granted. Respect the fact that they are there for you, and they value you. Don't just start shouting at them because you are in a 'bad mood'. If you want them to value you, you need to value them!Life is a roller-coaster ride, we all have our share of ups and downs; however, not all are lucky enough to have a friend who has held your hand the whole time. So, cherish the gift of friendship that you were blessed you with.


Remember that you have to earn friends by being a good friend yourself. Don't judge, don't slam your expectations. Just try to be a good friend, and you will be rewarded with the same gesture in return. Real friends are forever, but life is not, make the most of them now, as there is much more to gain than to lose!


We make a lot of friends throughout our life. But only a few ever become close to us. Some we lose touch with, while others take up different paths in their life. In the end there are only a few friends we can call our own.


Emmy @ejane1



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