Chapter 17

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Venus uniform-∆

They all arrived at Hogwarts and have their welcome feast, "welcome back students, this year is going to be an excited one, unfortunately there won't be any quidditch this year" Dumbledoor announced. "Is this a joke?" Fred yelled out, "no it's not, this year Hogwarts will be hosting the Triwizard cup!" Dumbledoor said. Everyone cheered out loudly, while Venus rolled her eyes, "but no one under the age 17 will be able to enter, and also the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be joining us in a few days. For another announcement your new DADA professor!" Dumbledoor said, everyone watch as Alister Moody walk out, no one clap it was dead silence.

Everyone knew about the very experience old author, he took a seat at the head table with the other teachers. The feast continued as everyone whispered about the Triwizard competition. "You guys do know that wizards die in these things right?" Venus asked, "yeah so?" A Ravenclaw girl name Tenisha asked.

 "You guys do know that wizards die in these things right?" Venus asked, "yeah so?" A Ravenclaw girl name Tenisha asked

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"I would never be with a guy who puts his life in danger just for money and a stupid cup" Venus told her. "But it show how brave dem be" Tenisha pointed out, "girl please, it shows that they want attention and their ego is big, and Cho?" Venus asked.

"Yeah" Cho answer, "stop drooling over Cedric Doggric" Venus told her. "But he's so beautiful" Cho said, "yeah, but it's not like he doesn't like you back, so stop it" Venus said hitting her arm. "Yah one fi talk! you ave everybody attention even de bwoy dem" Tenisha said, "maybe it's because am half veela, I don't know" Venus said. They steered at her surprised, "your half veela?" Luna asked, "yeah, that would be the only reason any guy would look at me" Venus said.

"Gurl a nuh de only reason, yuh ave chest and back" Tenisha said. "Chest and back?" Cho, Luna and Venus asked confused. They always try to keep up with how Tenisha specks because she isn't English, she's the Jamaican. "Big breast and big ass" Tenisha answered rolling her eyes like it was the most obvious thing ever. "Speak proper English please, I can't keep up with your Jamaican slang" Cho told Tenisha, "but it nuh hard fi undastand wah mi a seh" Tenisha said. 'but it's not hard to understand what am saying', Venus laugh at how weird Tenisha sound.

"So other than Tenisha's bad talking, cheerleading is still on this year, you can try out now Cho, there is no quidditch" Venus said. "Yeah, I guess your right, I wander what the uniform going to look like" Cho said, "am wandering too, ooh Venus look Blaize is steering at you" Luna said. They all looked over at Blaize, he blushed and look away when he notice they girls looking at him. "Bombo! How him sexy soh? Him inna fourth year doh?" Tenisha asked, "what?" Cho and Luna asked her confused.

"She said a bad word and asked if he's a fourth year, and yes he is, he's my brother best-friend" Venus answer. Cho and Luna nod finally understanding the bubbly Jamaican girl slang. After the feast they were all sent off to bed for a goodnight sleep. The next morning bright and early, Venus woke up and got ready for her day and went to breakfast with her friends. As she ate she wrote down little notes in her little black book. "Wah yuh a write dung?" Tenisha asked, "English please!" Cho demand, "OK! Damn, Venus what are you writing down" Tenisha asked in a fake English ascent.

Venus giggled, "well am making a spell, and creating potions for reasons I will not tell you" Venus replied. They collected their timetable, "hi!" A cute adorable voice said behind Venus. She closed her book and turn around only to see Dennis Creevy, Colin little brother. "Hi Dennis!" Venus said, he steered at her in awe, "wow love at first sight" Tenisha said out loud. "Ho-how do yo-you know m-my name?" Dennis asked, "my best-friend pointed you out to me when you got sorted yesterday" she told him.

 "Ho-how do yo-you know m-my name?" Dennis asked, "my best-friend pointed you out to me when you got sorted yesterday" she told him

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Dennis Creevy-∆

Colin came up behind him smirking, "wh- who is yo-your best-friend?" Dennis asked. "Oh! He's right behind you!" Venus said pointing to Colin. Dennis turn to find his brother behind him, "hey you tricked me!" He yelled at him. Colin couldn't hold it any longer and busted out laughing, "what trick?" Luna asked. "He said if she didn't know my name she would give me my first kiss to know it" Dennis said turning red. Venus rolled her eyes and pack her bag, then she punch Colin on his arm, "that was so mean" she said.

"Ow! I know but, he is so innocent" Colin said, "anyways, we have potion first with Hufflepuff, bye Colin, bye Dennis" Venus said kissing both their cheeks. Colin is use to this so he walked off to find Ginny, while Dennis stood there holding his face blushing wildly. As the girls walked off he fainted, "Awww that was cute" Tenisha said, "classes people, walk faster" Venus said. After a day of classes, Venus left her friends to go sit by the black lake, to write in her black book.

The Black book. Venus is actually creating a spell to bring back people who were kill with killing curse back life. A potion for mentally people in the wizards hospital, a regrowth spell for body parts that are magically cut off. And lots more, everything works but she's having a difficult time will the anti killing spell one. "Hey" she heard Harry's voice beside her, she closed her book as he took a seat beside her.

"Hey! What's up?" Venus asked, "nothing much, what do you think about the Triwizard competition?" Harry asked. "It's an ego building competition, I would never be with someone who put there life at risk for a stupid trophy and money" Venus answer. "I would never enter even if I was at age to do it, I promise you I won't" Harry said, they spent the rest of the day together until dinner.

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