Chapter 39

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Venus stood in font of her mirror half dress in her bra and her cheerleading skirt with a Razer rested on her arm. She made one clean cut across her wrist and watch the blood pour out, she has been doing this all summer. Out of nowhere her room door open revealing Alexander Sterling, she didn't even look up at him when he entered. He grab her arm as she made movement to cut herself again, "Venus...... what's wrong?" He ask calmly as he threw away the Razer. She didn't answer so she sat on the edge of her bed looking down at her bleeding wrist. Alex couldn't help but let his eyes travel to her double D cup breast.

He cleared his throat and rub the back of his neck, "um, co-could pu-put on a shir-shirt" he stuttered out. Venus look up at him and smirk, she bit her lip and stood up and stand in front of him. "Uncomfortable with the human body?" She ask tilling her head, he glup loudly, "why cut your self?" He ask trying to ignore the fact that she is half naked. Venus went to her bathroom with Alex following behind her, she wash the blood off of her. Then dressed it and place a bandage over it, "I cut cause of the fucked up life I have" Venus answer.

"So fucked up, you would try to kill your self?" Alex ask, "am not trying to kill myself, am trying to feel something else other than..... my fucked up life" Venus mumbled putting on her cheerleading top. Making sure the sleeves cover her injured arm, she put on her badges and grab her bag. She fix her hair into a tight ponytail, then face Alex, "ready?" She ask smiling for the first time since she arrived at Hogwarts. Alex smiled back and held out his hand to her, she grab it and they walked to the great hall hand in hand.

Harry laugh as Ron stuffed his face with food as Harmonie gave him a disgusted look. "Holy shit!" They heard Ginny curse beside Colin who was looking in the same direction as Ginny with a shock look on their face. Harry, Harmonie and Ron look at what they saw and their face drop, in came a blushing Venus with a smirking Alexander Sterling. Harry hit his head on the table in frustration and sadness when he saw he's ex girlfriend. "Sorry Harry" Harmonie told him placing her hand on his shoulder and she watch Venus.

Alexander saw Harry hit his head on the table, "you should talk to him, he is your boyfriend" Alex tells her. "We broke up, am going to sit with my brother, bye Alex" Venus tells him and went off to the Slytherin table. She sat beside Draco with no emotions, "what was that with Alexander Sterling?" Draco ask without looking at her. "Nothing, he's a pure blood don't worry" Venus tells him uninterested, "don't get attached to him" Draco sneered at her. "Says the guy who wants to fuck a halfbreed" Venus sneered back at him with anger. "Bitch" Draco says glaring at her.

Her anger shattered all the glasses on the Slytherin table causing all the Slytherin to jump in fright and shock. Dumbledoor watch from his seat at the power that the youngest Malfoy holds. All the teachers was in shock of what happened but only Draco, Snape and Dumbledoor knows that Venus did it. "Control your self" Draco hisst at her, "control my self? You do what the dark lord ask 'whatever that is' and I won't have to kill you like he ask me to" Venus sneered at him in a whisper.

Venus got up and left Draco in a mile shock, he quickly recovered and watch her get her timetable and left with Alexander Sterling. DADA is the first class on Venus's timetable, she was very shock to see who the new DADA professor is. Everyone knows that the DADA job is curse, and that professor Snape has been after that job for years. And he finally got it, she scoff seeing him and sat with Alexander at the front of the class. "Can this get anymore boring?" Venus whisper to Alex, he roll his eyes and paid no attention to her.

For the rest of the day all the Professors talked to them about their up coming owl's, that are extremely important. At lunch Colin and Harmonie approach her since their prefect too. "Venus" Colin says her name nervously, he loved her to death but the way she been acting made him nervous. "Why are you two talking to me?" Venus sneered at them, "cause we're your friends" Harmonie stated.

A/N: Ginny and Colin are fifth year prefects.

"I only associate myself with pure bloods not, ....... mudblood" Venus stated turning her back to them. Colin walk off angrily at what she called them, Harmonie still stood their stock, "you haven't left yet?" Venus ask facing her. "I don't know what happened to you but check your self before your reck yourself" Harmonie tells her. Venus rolls her eyes, "back off before you get hurt Harmonie, wouldn't want you to end up in the hospital wing would we?" Venus ask with no emotions.

"You can't hurt me, you'll be expelled" Harmonie tells her bravely, Venus glared at her making her Gryffindor tie around her neck began to choke her. Harmonie grab at it trying to loosen it but the more Venus glared at her the more tight is becomes. Harmonie fell to the ground holding her neck with tears streaming down her face, Dumbledoor stop professor McGonagall from interfering. Venus bent down to Harmonie's level on the floor, "that was just a warning" Venus tells her and stop glaring at her.

Harmonie breathe a sign of relief to be able to breathe properly again, she look up at Venus in fear. "Ho-how did yo-you do that?" Harmonie ask still trying to catch her breath, Venus doesn't answer. Instead she catches the teachers watching her in awe and in fear, "stay away from me Granger" Venus whisper and left the great hall.

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