Chapter 40

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Cho Chang-∆

Venus left the great hall with tears streaming down her face, she couldn't believe she did that to Harmonie. She lock her self in her room to distance her self away from others. Draco watch from a far what happened with Harmonie and Venus. 'She's either losing control of her power, or she's got some pent up anger she need to release' Draco thought. He walk off to find her after she left, but was grab into a broom closet, "what the fu-" gco by lips being place on his. Draco was going to pull out his wand to attack the person but saw who it is and kiss back.

"Draaaaco!" She moan in his ears when he began to suck on her neck and grab her ass. "You know when I said seeing each other in secret I didn't mean like this" Draco mumbled against her neck. "I know, buuuuut, ahhh, Draaaaco, I need to talk to you" she moan out, "we are talking" Draco mumbled leaving another icky and pulling the top button on her shirt. She push him away slightly, "not like this, what the hell is up with your sister though?" She asked curiously. Draco signed and ran his hand through his hair, "a lot of things happen over the summer, Venus is different now, we just have to accept that" Draco tells her.

"No! I won't! She's my best-friend! I need to know what's wrong with her so I can fix it!" She yelled at him. "Shut up Tenisha! Just stay the hell away from Venus if you want to live" he yelled at her and left the broom closet. Tenisha stood there shock, she wander if her best-friend is the same person she was before summer. She left the broom closet and went off to hang out with Lydia, Cho, Ginny, Destiny, Gabriela and Colin. "Damn! Why is Venus such a bitch this year?" Tenisha ask as she sat with her friends in front of the black lake.

"She isn't a bitch" Cho snapped at her, "oh really? Did you see what she did to Harmonie at lunch?" Destiny ask rudely. "Well she is nice to Cho and I" Lydia said, "that's because you two are pure bloods" Colin mumbled. "But Ginny is a pure blood too and Venus hasn't spoken to her" Gabriela pointed out, "according to them my family are blood traitors, so she wouldn't talk to me" Ginny said sadly. They all just sat their quietly wandering what could have happened to their friend. Out of nowhere Destiny got up, "where are you going?" Gabriela asked.

"Alexander Sterling is sitting right there, am going to find out what's wrong with Venus" she pointed out Alex. Who is sitting on the corridor seat studying with no one around. Destiny walk over to Alex, he didn't even know that she stood over him until she block the sun light. "Oh! Hey!" He said a bit frightened, "hi Alexander" she greeted him, "it's just Alex" he tells her smiling. "OK, am just going to cut to the chase, what's wrong with Venus?" Destiny ask, Alex sign sadly remembering what he walked in on Venus cutting herself.

"It's not my place to say, if you want to know ask her yourself" Alex reply and left. Destiny walk back to her friends, "well?" Tenisha ask, "he knows something but he ain't talking" Destiny mumbled. "Fine let's go, class will start soon" Tenisha tells them and went off to class. Dinner time came and Venus temper and emotions had calm down, she sat with Alexander and the other prefects. "Venus we need to talk" Harry says behind her, she got up and he followed her out of the great hall.

"What do you want?" Venus ask staying calm, "what's wrong with you lately? Why did you break up with me?" Harry ask. "Why would I want to be with you?" Venus ask Harry, "I love you" he whispered, "love is weak, and am not weak" Venus sneered at him and walk away from him. "That's a lie!" Harry yelled at her, she turn to face him with one eyebrow raised. "My mother's love saved me from Voldemort! Love doesn't make you weak it makes you strong!" He yelled at her. "And look what happened! She was weak! And now she's dead!" Venus sneered at him, Harry stood there silent. "Your going to end up dead like your mother and father, and I'll be there to watch you die" Venus told him.

She walked away from him when she sees a tear fall from his eyes, "so much for love" she scoffed loudly for him to hear. She went back to dinner, "why did Harry want to talk to you?" Alex ask as she sat beside him. "Nothing" she answered in an uninterested tone, "Venus why are you acting like this?" Alex ask her softly, "act like what?" She ask glaring at him. "Um I,I,.." He stuttered, "No! You say am acting a way! Don't stutter now! Speak up!" She yelled at him. Her yelling caused everyone to look at them, Draco began to get up to get her so she wouldn't lose her temper.

"A bitch! You acting like a bitch!" He yelled at her, "finally someone tells her" Tenisha farther down the table muttered. It was like the calm before the storm, "Venus, le-lets go" Draco nervously tells her not wanting her to lose control of her powers, again. "Touch me and you'll lose your hand" she sneered at Draco without looking at him. All of her attention was on Alexander Sterling who felt guilty and uncomfortable under her glare. "Let this be a lesson" Venus muttered, all the lights went out, causing some girls to scream.

Dumbledoor got up immediately using his wand to turn on back all the lights. When the lights came on everyone look towards the Ravenclaw table. They all saw a bloody Alex on the floor and no Venus, Draco couldn't believe his eyes.

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