Chapter 51

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Cedric Doggric-∆

"So what now?" Colin ask as they watch mad eye Moody exit his tomb looking all confused. "Now we see if is all sane in the head" Venus answered, she step towards a confused looking Moody and hand him his eye. That he took happily, "Mr. Moody my name is Venus Malfoy and these are my friends Colin Creevy and Gabriela Gold" Venus introduced them. "I was murder, how am I alive?" He ask confused, "he has his memory that's a good sign" Colin mumbled. "We brought you back to life, I made a counter curse for the killing curse" Venus told him.

"How long have I been dead?" Moody ask, "um, let me see, two months and two week" Gabriela answers looking in her note book. "That means the war is still going on" Moody mumbled to his self, "yeah, it is that's why we need you" Colin says. "I need to let everyone knows am back, I need to get to the ministry of magic" moody kept on mumbling to himself. "Why did Ginny want us to bring back this old coop?" Colin ask Gabriela quietly, making Gabriela giggled. "The ministry of magic has been taken over by death eaters and the minister of magic is dead" Venus told Moody.

"We have a base house an hour away, where we'll explain everything to you" Gabriela tells him. "OK let's aparrate" Moody says immediately, neither of the three said anything, "well what the bloody hell is it this time?" Moody ask rudely. "We um, haven't learn how to aparrate yet" Venus inform him, "bloody hell! Then how do you get around?" Moody ask, "our brooms" Gabriela answers smartly. "Close the tomb" Venus whisper to Colin who closed it immediately, "your going to need this" Gabriela said handing Moody his wand.

Alister 'Mad eye' Moody ✔

An hour later they arrived back at the base house/mansion, they explained everything to Moody that happened while he was 'gone'. "Y'all just a bunch of kids, you shouldn't be in a war" Moody complained, "well these bunch a kids just woke your ass up back from the dead" Venus sassed at him. Moody ignored her sassed, "who's next on your wake from the dead mission?" Moody asked, "Cedric Doggric, kill with the killing curse in the Triwizard competition" Gabriela answers. "He was buried in a cemetery 7 hours from here on broom" Colin says looking in Gabriela's note book.

"No, you are going to aparrate it will take seconds to get there" Moody says, "haven't you been listening to us?" Colin ask confused, "we don't know how" Gabriela said. "I heard. Am going to teach you myself if it takes all year to learn" he told them.

One week later, it took them a week to finally know how to aparrate properly. "Cho is going to be so happy" Gabriela says to Colin who is eating breakfast. "No more crying" Colin says smiling, "No! You aren't coming!" They heard Venus yelled from the living room. "Do I look like child who listen when their told!" They heard Moody yelled back, "10 silver piece on Moody" Colin bet immediately. "Your on" Gabriela says and the went into the living room to watch the argument. "You sure as hell acting like one! This is our mission not yours!" Venus yelled, "you barely know what your doing!" Moody yelled back.

"And you do? Let's not forget you were kill during yours! If it weren't for me you would still be dead!" Venus yelled, making Moody go silent. Colin had over 10 pieces of silver to a smirking Gabriela. Moody glared at Venus who really felt sorry for what she yelled at him. "Colin go check out the cemetery" Venus order, Colin sault her before aparrating to the cemetery. "Am sorry, what I said was way out of line, but you can't just walk around the place and everyone thinks your dead" Venus apologized to Moody.

"We have an extra bottle of polyjuice potion" Gabriela said, if looks could kill Gabriela would be dead by the evil glare Venus sent her. "It's dark quiet and no one around" Colin says aparrating back, but then he realised how quiet it is. "Did I miss something?" Colin ask confused, "no you and Moody will take this mission" Venus inform him. "Say what now?" Colin ask in disbelief, "Gabriela will give you what you need for the this mission" Venus said.

Cedric Doggric
Son, friend, boyfriend, A true Hufflepuff, future seeker
1974 - 1994

A few minutes later Colin and Moody aparrated to the cemetery to bring Cedric Doggric back to life. They gave him the aging potion so he would look his age (20) and then Colin performed the spell to awake him. He was confused at first but then he remember telling Harry to bring his body back to his parents. He was given his wand and they aparrated back to the base house/mansion. "Cedric!" Gabriela yelled and ran into his open arms when she saw him, "he got hotter" Venus joked causing him to blush.

"Is Cho here? she must have missed me terribly" Cedric said, "she is at Hogwarts, still cry for you at nights, but she'll be fine" Gabriela answers.

Cedric Doggric ✔

They explained everything to him as they did for Moody, "wow, I always knew you were a genius" Cedric said to Venus. "Thanks, but we have other people on our list to wake from the dead" Venus says. "Who's next?" Colin ask Gabriela, "um not anyone who's dead, but who are in St. Mungo, Mr. & Mrs. Longbottom" Gabriela answers. "It's not like any of us can just walk in there and check them out of there, we would have to be family" Cedric says.

"We know, that's why we are going to go to Neville Longbottom grandmother and ask her to check them out" Venus says. "Will she believe you? I mean your a Malfoy" Colin says, "that's why am I going to the Longbottom house hold next week" Venus says. Two down a lot more to go.

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