chapter 2-Frozen Heart

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Chapter 2-frozen heart


Freya shook her head as if freeing it from cobwebs. What did just happen? She just got a new employment alright, but who was that boy? She had no idea what was the job even, and she had still agreed. People make many mistakes when in desperate needs; she just prayed she was not one of them.




The door to the care center squeaked as she pushed it open. Freya immediately turned to shut out the torrential rain pouring outside. Mason’s care home was safe haven for old aged people or for those who had nowhere to go, those who had been abandoned by their own family. For five years Freya had been visiting the Mason’s. Not out of good of heart but for a selfish desire. For her father. Freya greeted the receptionist and took one of the many corridors snaking from the main hall in all directions. The corridor was lit by white blinding CFLs. Freya preferred the gloom that hung outside more than such spotlights. The corridor was lined with many doors each opening to some individual’s room, those who had been forgotten. After her mother had gone missing five years ago her father had taken his place as one of them. She greeted an old couple on wheelchairs, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher, passing her by and made her way to room no F23. She paused slightly before turning the knob and entering. Maria her father’s caretaker, who was an old fragile thing, straightened as Freya entered the bare white room. She had been pouring her father tea from a kettle. “Good morning, Freya. Good to see you.” Maria said managing a weak smile on her aging face. Freya murmured a good morning and went to sit next her father on the white spot less mattress. Her father was gazing with a certain longing outside the window of his tiny dorm. Freya sort his eyes, they were cold, like an dark void, taking everything good out of his father, the dark void left there by her mother. A frozen heart reflected in his eyes. “Dad………” she said in a soft voice. “Freya………any news about her. Have they found………the body yet.” he said still in a trance state. Maria’s sad eyes met Freya’s from across the room. They didn’t need to be reminded who Richard was talking about. Jocelyn Willows might leave the world or her family but she would never leave his thoughts. “Don’t worry dad, they will.” Freya said and without another word left her dad’s room. How could she tell her dad that the court had rejected their plea to reopen the case and investigate to find Jocelyn? She had to be strong for him. She can’t let him see her cry. At any cost. She pressed her back against the corridor wall outside and sobbed uncontrollably. She gasped and punched the wall behind her hard. No, this was not the time to let go. She has come so far. Five years. She can’t let it go to waste never. NEVER. She drew in a sharp breath and composed herself. If anyone had gazed into her eyes at that moment would have been greeted by the same dimness present in her father’s. The same unending void of sorrow. But she had learned to hide it for her father’s sake. If she let herself drown in fear and agony, everything would be lost. There would be no future to them. Freya can’t let that happen. She had to get through this with her father’s aid or without. All she had to do was conceal, don’t show.

She wiped the traces of tears from her cheeks; least anyone asked and walked down the corridor back to the exit. The rain had stopped, but Freya was still wet from the previous interval. She was visibly shivering but she ignored the cold and walked towards the girl’s hostel of Longfellow imperial academy where she studied on scholarship. The school was with a flexible association with Ravine government and owned acres of estate. Most of the city constituted of the highly recommended institute. Freya had somehow maintained her scholarship and paid for her father’s care and medicines through her randomly changing jobs and her education insurance. It was not that reliable a method. Her insurance was depleting and her unstable employment status was a different problem altogether. Freya turned into the 5th avenue and came up short. Up ahead on the street she saw a black Lamborghini racing out of the girl’s hostel’s parking lot. Freya smiled to herself perfect she thought their Friday night hangover party and my home alone 6. Friday meant party for other ladies of the hostel and movie time in the common room for Freya. Life could not get any better. As the car vanished down the other end of the street Freya jogged towards the hostel gates. Squeezing through the huge rot-iron gates, she walked toward the red bricked mansion situated right in the middle of the hostel grounds. The door was locked so she shuffled for the duplicate keys in her military colored sling bag. The warden, Mrs. Sam Montgomery had given her a spare as she was used to coming late after a trip to the library or finishing her shift at her job [with an s}. Inserting the key, she twisted it and the door creaked open. The hostel looked like a Victorian house from the inside, adorned with a chandelier, tables with fresh flower in the vases kept against the wall at intervals, the only missing element was paintings of old Victorian English ladies on the walls holding Chinese fans. She open one of the doors out of the several doors present in the foyer and went in. the room was a simple grey wallpapered with a worn out sofa, a divan and an LCD T.V. she pulled out her DVD of Frozen from her bag and inserted it in the player placed on an oak table right below the LCD. Lounging on the sofa, she curled up like a cat and waited for the movie to load. The other girls usually criticized her for childish tastes in movies and immaturity but she rarely paid attention because in the end it resulted in huge irony only she knew about. She watched the movie for one hour and then fell asleep right there on the sofa, the lyrics of one of the songs ringing through her ears.



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