The Final Countdown!

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- IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN! *trumpet toots* Okay, here's your chapter. -


Tyler shouted, and then begin jumping up and down excitedly in the booth. Percy, Claire, and Sam strode out from different sides of the field. Percy with bronze armor, encrusted with pearls and ornate ocean drawings branded on it. He was carrying the ever-famous Riptide the sword, as usual. Claire was wearing Imperial gold armor, with a simple sun design in the center- Hey wait, that's the Light symbol from Homestuck! Aw, I converted her to hell! Yay! She carried her usual bow, rather than the sword and shield she had earlier, and I saw one of her daggers glinting in its sheath. Sam was the final one I spotted, sporting Celestial Bronze armor with a simple design, and a massive iron hammer that looked kind of like Reinhardt's from Overwatch. Ok, enough of descriptions-
"YOU'RE POWERED UP, GET IN THERE!" Ellie shouted, having handed off Chuck to Coach again. I gasped, just as Sam waved at her from the arena, before charging Percy. Aww, Reinhardt and Ana combo! But as I said, Sam charged Percy, while Claire drew back and took aim. Oh, tag team, I like it! Percy fought back with a Riptide, but Claire shot and arrow and hit him in the head. Luckily, it just bounced off somehow, but Percy turned to her and promptly knocked her out with a wave. Oh, now he's in trouble. Sam looks so pissed at Percy-
"JUSTICE WILL SING!" Sam shouted, before swinging his hammer and nearly taking off Percy's head. Said Poseidon kid tried knocking him down with a wave, but Sam's armor and sheer size kept him upright. Plus, I may have "modified" Sam's armor to help stabilize him when he swung, haha. Don't tell him I did, he'd make me change it back, even if it made his back hurt more.
And there goes Percy, out cold on the ground. Haha, legendary hero boy got knocked out by Sam! The crowd roared as Sam shook Percy a little, and Percy got back up. Sam pulled him up easily, and they shook hands.
Oh yeah, that ol' title. Good thing Tyler brought it out, it makes him even more cooler, though that's hard. The crowd roared, and Ellie tackle-hugged Sam as soon as she got down to the arena. Percy looked proud of Sam somehow, and Annabeth looked a lot pissed off than I expected. Well, they're good sports, better than some I know. As soon as Ellie let go of him, Sam dropped his hammer, and promptly flexed like one of Reinhardt's poses. Haha, we're both Overwatch trash, since I know what it is. I mimicked his pose, and so did some other people in the stands. More Overwatch trash, yay!

Stella groaned from besides me. Oh wait, she's still here, haha. "Hey, at least Sam won, and Percy's a good sport about it too. Tyler made his way down, and held up a microphone to Sam, who was at least 5 or 6 inches taller than him. "Any words for the crowd? Or the New Rome newspaper?" Sam looked down at Ellie, and they exchanged a nod. Sam flexed again, and Ellie posed like Ana. "Honor and Glory! Never stop fighting for what you believe in!" they said unanimously. Oh my god, that's so cute! I should've gotten it on video!
I jumped over some benches in the arena, and leaned over the balcony, shouting, "I SHIP IT LIKE FEDEX!" That earned a lot of laughs from some of the Romans nearby, and from Stella and Claire. Ellie heard, and blushed a little, but Sam put his hand on her shoulder, in a reassuring way, y'know? The cute way! But hey, this was fun. Maybe we can all go eat or something after this, I'm so famished- Oh wait, I'm still supposed to be internally monologuing in case someone is reading my thoughts. Haha, sorry mind reader! I'm hungry as fuck and I need food! With that, I walked off to go find Claire, because she's responsible with money and I lost the money I didn't spend buying trinkets at every stop on the way here. Oh, and I spent some on that sopapilla, and the funny shirt I saw, and-
Oh. Sorry, mind reader. I guess you'll just have to wait a bit before you read again, cause I've gotta go make a condom joke at Stella and Nico. ¡Adiós!

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