Tiny Details

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"You're really good at running away, aren't you?"

His words are enough to trigger memories. Memories that Ji Hyo had buried deep in her mind that she almost forgot she had them.

"Enough running away, Song Ji Hyo.", it echoes in her mind.

Vividly, she remembers the look in Jong Kook's young face after saying those words and crossed the distance between them.. 

She remembers the sweet warmth of a kiss, the queasy churning of her stomach, the fluttering of butterflies in her chest..

All of it flooding her mind, making her feel nostalgic. 

She and this man in front of her had so memories together. It makes her wonder what could have happened with them if she had not disappeared out of his life like a bubble.  

The slow instrumental intro of a song starts to play as the partners around them changes and dances with the slow music.

Ji Hyo wants to get away from there. The situation is too uncomfortable for her. The memories bring strange emotions in her chest. The kind that she seems to have felt before but had already forgotten.

When I look into your eyes, my trembling heart flutters.., the song starts, making her feel worse.

Standing there together with Kim Jong Kook, in front of so many prying eyes, is too much for her to handle. She has to get away, fast.

When I look at you, I feel like the world has stopped..

What's making her overreact about the situation is the abnormal turning of her heart inside her chest, her stomach suddenly turning upset, and she could not quite put a name of what she's feeling at the moment.  

Just like how winter passes and spring comes

She grows more uncomfortable as he gets her left hand and holds it shoulder level, his other hand pressing on her back as he leads them both with the music.

Is he doing this on purpose? To take revenge on what she had done in the past?

I believe you will come to me as well..

The music isn't really helping, her discomfort growing at every step that they waltzed.

My one and only person

"Kim Jong Kook, What are you doing? The last thing we need right now is for people to post a picture of us dancing.", she says, trying to hide the fact that he's having this kind of effect on her.

My treasure-like person who is like a dream..

"Too late, Song Ji Hyo. They'd probably taken pictures of us sitting next to each other earlier. ", he says, his face too close to her head that she could feel his breath against her ear as he speaks while keeping their steps with the rhythm.

My first person who blossoms like a flower

She tries to withdraw her hand from his hold and step away from him, but he grips it tighter and his other hand pulls her even closer, making her suck in a breath, her system screaming red alert all over her brain.

Just looking at you makes me tear

Kim Jong Kook is too close for comfort. Her face is barely an inch away from his chest. And it is then that she begins noticing the tiny details.

When I try to write a poem..

Like the warmth of his palm against her back, and how his other hand seems to hold hers in a tight but gentle way..

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