Tainted by the Past

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KharmaySofia selnas , thank you for the sweet comments. 😄😍 Made my night.



Ji Hyo feels pathetic. She thinks Jong Kook is playing her. She could totally see his smiling reflection in the elevator's sliding steel door right across him.

But for now, she could not quite argue with him. His collaboration seems to be the only chance for her company to redeem itself.

And she's also making him to drive her home, so she'll save her bratty remarks for next time.

The elevator stops in the seventh floor and the door opens, revealing a tall woman wearing blazers and a pencil skirt that seems to make her look more petite.

Her eyes lightens up behind her glasses as she sees Jong Kook.

"Oppa. ", she greets with a smile as she walks in.

"Se Young-ah. ", Jong Kook greets back.

Ji Hyo glances at the both of them without moving her head, wondering why they're being casual inside the workplace.

Must be really close., she thinks.

Then Se Young's eyes turn to her.
"Oh? I see we have a guest. "

Ji Hyo hates the way she refers to her, knowing all too well from her sense of fashion that she knows exactly who Ji Hyo is.

But for formalities' sake, she does a curt nod towards the woman but nothing more.

"This is Song Ji Hyo, Se Young-ah. CEO of Krystel Apparelle. ", Jong Kook introduces.

"Really?", Se Young asks in surprise. But Ji Hyo had met too many deceiving business to be convinced by fake acts. "I never thought you could be so young! ", she adds and chuckles.

Ahh, i know where this is going.,  she says mentally. She's indirectly saying that I'm younger than her so I should lower my grounds. Tsk.

"Now you know. ", she replies calmly, not even joining her chuckle.

Jong Kook must have felt her coldness emanating inside the elevator, so he butts in.

"We'll be working with her, Se Young-ah. I think Mr. Oh is gonna assign you with this."

Se Young's forehead creases a little. "A collab? With Krystel Apparelle? "

"Yes. Sounds amazing, huh? "

Ji Hyo doesn't miss the displeased look in the other woman's face. Of course it doesn't sound amazing. Two rival companies are working together for God's sake! The results are still unforeseeable.

But immediately, Se Young smiles at Jong Kook as if it is the most amazing thing she ever heard. "It does! I never thought this would happen! I'll be willing to put my heart into this collab."

Then a thought crosses her mind, making her resist the smirk that is escaping her lips.

I see what's happening here.

She stares at the woman intently. She looks fine, her glasses makes her look more elegant an classy. Her poise is strong and confident in her tall form. She could definitely catch several man's attention.

But this woman seems to be particularly interested in one.

She turns her examining gaze to the man next to her.

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