A Message to Spartace Fans

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Guys.. Spartacers..

I know some of you want me to write a Book 3.

BUT.. i think I could not do it anymore.

I'm not saying I would definitely not. If I find motivation in the future, maybe I would. But for now, I'll say that I could not.

You see, I'm broken with the news of our dear spartace.

If you're an updated spartace fan, I know you would understand what I mean; Jong Kook choosing another woman as his ideal type. Him telling the world that Ji Hyo is family.

Yes, I'm bitter about it. I could not help it. But it doesn't mean I could hate it. We couldn't force it on them, right?

I should be happy with whatever makes them happy, with whomever makes them happy. Even if it's another person.

And what Jong Kook said in the show? That Ji Hyo is family? It made me realize that there really isn't a chance for them.

They'd been together for eight years, and still nothing.

And it is also absurd if they're hiding it. They're too old to hide relationships, nothing is stopping them if they really do have feelings for each other. So the fact that we're not getting any news about that is because they're really just family.

And what they have is precious. THEM BEING FAMILY IS PRECIOUS. It's rare for people to have friendships as deep as a family bond, especially between a man and a woman. And it should be treasured, because not all people could experience that kind of bond. They may not be lovers, but what they have is special all the same.

I'm not telling you guys to stop shipping spartace, but I'm just telling you not to take it too deep that we would be hating/bashing other people who gets linked to them. That's how we become toxic to Jong Kook and Ji Hyo. We should just support them for whatever they love.

Let's just see it this way:

It's better if they remain in that precious state they are in right now, because it might be the only way to protect that special relationship.

Risking it for a romantic relationship might be too much. Others think it is love that ruins friendship. You know, when friends date and then ends up breaking up and turning back as strangers, wasting the friendship they had before then.

But it's not really love that ruins it. It's greed. Coz love sometimes comes with greed, and it is what could ruin any type of relationship there is, even ones ones that comes with eight years of friendship.

And I don't want that happening to them. So maybe they're better off as family.

I'm sorry if I ended up at such a bitter note, it's just that when I heard the news of Jong Kook choosing that other woman, it filled my heart with dread, and it is when I realized I had been so selfish.

I'll continue to root for them.

Sorry for ending up in a bitter note. It's just that if we continue hoping for them, we'll end up getting hurt the moment one of them announces a relationship with someone else. Or is it just me? 😊 well, at least for me. And I don't want that to happen.

Anyways, thank you for running with me in this story, guys. For the reads, the votes, the comments. It's been fun writing for you. :)

I hope you'll read the stories I'll write in the future, even if it's not about spartace anymore.


-mongji23 signing off.

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