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Here's to you, my dearies. 😊
I'm just as excited with this story as you guys.

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lovelots. ❤


I'll be back for you, Oppa. Once these are all settled, I promise I'll go back to you.

Those were the unspoken promises that Ji Hyo made while she is walking away from the only man she ever loved.

Those were the promises she tends to keep as she rides that plane, ready to settle all the issues in her company so that she could go back to Kim Jong Kook as soon as possible.

But she did not expect things to go worse.

It was so bad that she forgot her promise the moment she landed in Hong Kong.

It was found out that the mole they were searching for was hidden in plain sight.

She felt so betrayed that she moped in her own room for days, weeks, months.

It took her days to sink in that Hye Ri, her trusted secretary and a trusted friend was the source of all the bad things that ever happened to her.

It turned out that Hye Ri had been transfering funds from the company's account to hers for years now.

It would have been her only purpose for the company. But things got worse the moment she started getting jealous with her and Sung Hoon.
She blamed her for being sly and a seducer. It turned out that she was also responsible for telling the media about all her dates in the night club. It all made sense now why reporters always seem to know her whereabouts.

And she is also the one who suggested for her to go back to Korea. And the one who gave her designs to another, and paid that designer to claim it as her own.

Hye Ri knew all about Ji Hyo's past, and that lead her to looking for jOng Kook, and finding out where he works, and finding out that Lee jIn Ha hates him.

She convinced Lee Jin Ha to team up with her and gave him the idea of the collaboration, guaranteeing him the chance to take revenge towards the two company owners. It was like hitting two birds in one stone.

And for jI Hyo, it was like being stabbed by the very own dagger that she gave to a friend, shot by the gun that she provided herself.

That hurt her so bad that she retreated on her own room for months.

Her new secretary goes to her house every end of the day to do a report about the company and give her project proposals to sign or reject.

Even then, she refused to appear in the public. Articles are even popping up online, wondering of her whereabouts now that she had hidden herself from the world. She had also cancelled all her modelling contracts, costing her a lot of money just to pay the penalty of breach of contract. She just lost her motivation to show herself into the public. All she ever did was meet with businessmen in private, and only if it was really needed.

Sung Hoon had been coming to her often, cheering her up and just staying there as a friend. He had been her driving force ever since. She was like a robot for months, merely doing things that Sung Hoon and her secretary tells her to do or just stay in her room for days without going out.

6 months after she left Korea, she finds herself staring at a magazine cover featuring Jong Kook.

For the last few months that she has been hiding from the world, he had done well and managed to recover. He is now the Executive Director of Perseus, and the company's very own model.

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