Ch. 2 Part 1

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Chapter 2~The hot guy and the teacher 

~Part 1-The chocolate eyes~


I opened an eye and shut off the alarm. 


I turned to see that Amy woke up. I smiled to her. 

'Good morning' I wished. 

I got up and opened my window to let in the sunshine. Wow! I feel so good. Maybe today is going to be a good one... 

I had no idea how wrong I was...





The final bell rang, and at the end of the day, these are the things which happened with me today... 

For the whole time people- or basically Enrique Fans surrounded me to check out more information about him... Robyn told me that something is going to be wrong. Because Zena, out school's Miss Queenbee was really unhappy with someone else being more popular than her. And she can be very mean sometimes... I swallowed hard. Yep, just the plot of a very cheesy chick-flick, huh?

Wow, so this is what I did on the first two days of my school- 

-Made a real good friend 

-Made a real bad enemy 

Well, that's it. Though the day is over and she hasn't done anything wrong yet, I have a bad feeling about this.

'May be you are wrong Robyn...' 

'Yea, hope so... But tell you what? I was her enemy last time, and she pushed me into a puddle... She was like "oops, trick-o-trip" and I was like, muddy all over, and everybody saw! That was the worst day of my life!' 

'Good luck!' She added as she handed me my album back. I held onto the album. Please save me, lucky charm!

We crossed half of the lawn in front of the school building and came to the giant fountain in the front, near the gates. A big statue stood in between the fountain and water flowed from top of it. Talk about decorated schools. But still, this fountain was beautiful! I loved it! A few students still stood here and there. Just as we were about to cross the fountain, I felt something at my foot. But before I could understand, I saw that I had tripped, over Zena's foot! Too late to realise now though...

Then I saw it all in slow motion, like they do in movies:

'Oops! Trick-o-trip!' She sang with an evil grin on her face. Oh no! This is just like what Robyn had said. Oh no! My stuff went flying off to Robyn, (and the ground). I was happy that my CD did not fall in water. But me? I went flying down, with my hands dancing for balance. I bumped with someone and tried to hold for balance. But looks like he (I felt a masculine hand) was not ready for this attack. So we both fell down into the water (!)

Well I thought of committing suicide by drowning myself into the water. (And it is not even funny.) I pulled myself out of the water, still in the fountain. The guy, whom I dragged in, also got up... But I couldn't see his face; he had his hair all over his eyes. 

'B... are you ok?' A guy came rushing in. He looked like a senior... 

"B"? Must be one of his friends... Okay! I dragged a senior with me into the water, in front of the whole school? Maybe this is not my good day huh?

And that might be an understatement.

'Well its a-' The one I dragged in, "B", splashed a whole lot of water on the other guy, 'WATER FIGHT!!' 

The guy tried to dodge, but failed. 'Hey!!' He jumped into the water, leaving behind his few important things on the ground. A few others followed. And right before my eyes, the whole school was splashing water on each other! Woah!  

I just sat there in the water, staring at everybody. Suddenly the guy beside me, "B" looked at me... Wow! With his hair removed, I saw a set of twinkling eyes. I swallowed. I thought he would scold me or something. But he- just smiled! A hot grin! Wait, where have I seen this "hot grin" before? Oh no!

No way!

He's the same guy from the bus yesterday !? I thought of hiding my face, But I smiled instead. His smile was so hypnotizing. I instantly blushed. What do I do? I really don't understand how did I control myself from hugging him. He was so cute!

Thank God, Robyn came to my rescue... 

'Ah! Girl! You need to get out!' She pulled me out. The guy laughed. I blushed again. We went back to the girls washroom. 

'Dude! Your CD must be really lucky for you!' 

'Yea... Hey tell me, who was that with whom I banged?' 

'Get ready for a surprise... Maybe a shock, girl...'

Hmm, I wondered if teenage guys were really that dangerous. Or was it Zena again? Maybe he was her boyfriend! Oh dear. I swallowed... 

'Is he Zena's boyfriend?' 

'Bf? Are you crazy!? Yea, maybe she has been trying to flirt with him... But dude! He is Mr. B!' 

'B who?' 

'Uh... I don't know... I mean, people have always called him Mr. B. He doesn't take his full name...' 

'So? What's in a name?  

Rob looked frustrated.

'No! That's not my point Shakespeare! He-e' she focused dramatically, 'is a teacher!'' 

'WHAT?' I felt stunned after that. *NOOOOOOO* I could feel myself scream from inside. No wayyy! 

Suddenly I got up and rushed out. Yeah, this was me panicking. In full PANIC ALERT!!

'Wait, Mali! Stop! He's our class teacher!' I heard Robyn call after me.

But I need to talk to him! I need to apologize! Actually, I NEED TO BEG FOR FORGIVENESS! 

I rushed towards the door of the building, which opened into the lawn. But the door opened by itself...and someone came walking in.

Oh NO! I (again) banged with someone! And fell down with him on me. I felt his chest, a guy again. 'No! Forgive me. It was an accident!!' I said before looking ... Then I dared to open my eyes. When I saw what I saw, I shut them tightly again... It was that Mr. B! I opened them again to stare in his chocolate brown eyes, twinkling as ever. For a few seconds I wished to stay like that forever. But then suddenly those extra gorgeous eyes became piercing! They were too chocolaty! I blushed hard. I closed my eyes again. 

'Um, I am...s...sorry' I heard him mutter as he got up... maybe I just imagined ...or did he blush too? I mentally slapped myself. What the HELL was I thinking? 

But as he got away, I regained my senses and bowed down. 

'F-forgive me sir! For whatever happened. Right now and before too. O Goodness! Please, please forgive me.' I bowed down and looked to the floor, blabbering whatever came to my mind.

'Yes, its fine... Relax!' 

I looked up to him, surprised that he let me go so easily. He had a towel on his shoulder. He took it in his hands. Then he plopped it on my head. 

'Huh?' I looked into his eyes, which I shouldn't have, for I blushed again when he smiled and said 'Its okay... Your hair's wet. Wipe before you catch a cold, and good bye...' 

'...' I couldn't say anything. I just stared at him as he walked towards his office. 

This can't be real, right?

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