Chapter 3~Part 4~

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~Part 4- The visitor~

'This! Is one cute room, you know!' She laughed as others entered and explored. What? I rushed in... 'Mr- I mean Jud-?' I cried.... and stopped, what? Where did he go?

'Who?' Terra asked.

'Jud... he's... a cat... sometimes he comes in my room, so I take care of him... And I thought he was here last night... But he isnt here...' I lied...

'I love cats, you know' said Lily.

'Yea, love cats...,' I muttered, 'C'mon lets go...'

once all of them came down and began packing up. I came back to check once again. 'Mr... I mean Jud?' I said Jud to make sure even if anyone listened they would think its a cat...

'looks like I got a new name huh?' came his voice from beneath the curtains...

'mr. B?'

' Call me Jud wont you?' He came out, smirking.


'So I heard that you love someone called Jud ?'

'Thats just... um... a cat,' I said, blushing, 'So where were you?'

'Hiding. Girl! I told you to tell me when your friends were sleeping right?'


'Mali?' came a voice. Oops. It was Robyn! She was coming here! Suddenly two hands came around me and pulled. We both hid in the closet. Thank God! My unpacking wasn't done yet and the closet was empty. I held my breath as I heard Robyn approach.

'Huh? I thought she was here' I heard her mutter. I let go of my breath as I heard her walk away. We both sighed. Wait a second, we? I looked up to Mr. B, so close... I could feel his breathe.

'um... that was fast, Mr. B... but can I ask you something?'

'Yea' he looked at me in the dim light.

'Isnt this my house? So why am I hiding? I mean its not like I am not supposed to be here, its you...'

'Yea...', He let go of me, and soon we both walked out of the closet.

Finally when my friends had gone, Mr. B was able to go. We made sure, that next time we didn't have any shocks instead of surprises...

But how can I forget that Mr. B always had surprises and shocks for me.....?

*'~The forbidden Angel~'* [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now