Count to Ten

35 8 6

Close your eyes.
Take a deep breath.
Start counting.

1. Feel the pressure, the hurt, the pain, the anger, the sadness in your body. Locate it. Exhale slowly.

2. Take another breath. Think of all the happiness that is getting pushed aside by these thoughts of hate.

3. Feel the happiness slowly grasp around the anger, engulfing it.

4. Let this anger, this pain flow out. Slowly. Exhale as slowly as it comes out.

5. Feel it flowing, take that feeling and turn it into happiness.

6. Know your pain. Get to know these feelings that are leaving you empty. Inhale.

7. Know this pain, so that you can use it against itself, next time it wants to come back.

8. Feel this pain flowing out, the happiness filling in the emptiness. Exhale slowly.

9. Smile. Just smile. Feel your muscles contracting to make this small smile. Inhale just a bit, to feel the fresh air in your body flowing in and out.

10. Open this smile. Make it real. Open your eyes. Exhale.

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