Blueberry Muffins (Yoonmin)

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By: yoonminaufest

Park Jimin, a meek, quiet assistant at Bangtan News Station, catches the wrath of his long-
time crush, the 7'o clock news anchor, Min Yoongi, when Jimin accidentally switches scripts one night and almost causes an incident on live, national television. Yoongi is furious and makes Jimin cry in a room full of their coworkers, calling him names and telling him how stupid he is. Afterwards, Jimin takes to avoiding Yoongi like the plague, and Yoongi, who at first couldn't stand Jimin, can't help but start noticing him everywhere. Soon he finds himself falling for Jimin, which scares him, because Yoongi has never felt this way about a man before. Will it be too late to salvage a relationship with Jimin, or did Yoongi ruin his chance for good?

Chapters: 5

Words: 66,376

Okay I really like this one. I've read it at least 3 times now. Our Little Jimin is so hard working and full of stress, which is the reason for his little mistake. Yoongi realizes after a while that he might have made a mistake and starts missing his daily blueberry muffin that he always found on his desk (Okay so I always get a blueberry muffin from Starbucks every morning so I relate lol). Yoongi's father was against homosexuality so.... you can guess why Yoongi would be a little scared to like a man.

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