Chapter 4 ~Shopping

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Rin's POV:


Ahhhh~ such a great day today! I'm with my girls Miku and Luka right now.


"Cha~ Rinny! Look! Isn't that pretty?" Miku gushes over the window's display. All three of us enter our favorite clothing store, VOCAstyle. It has the most amazing clothing. Cute, nerdy, cool, Goth, Lolita… You name it. It has everything, even cat cosplay!


"Oh my God Rin! Look at that!" Miku drags me towards a rack of fifty percent off items. We often check out the sales rack since we never have enough money on us.


"Ooooh! Wouldn't this look perfect on me?" Miku's voice rises in excitement. She holds up a lime green shirt with "POP CANDY" in big, bubbly, pink words outlined with yellow.


"That looks great on you Miku!" Luka exclaims.


"Yeah totally!" I agree. It really matches her hair and Miku has always been a fan of pop music. And candy.


"Eeeee~ I'm totally buying this! And it's only ten dollars too!" Miku squeals once more before heading off to who-knows-where.


I give the fifty percent off rack a look too. I pick out a few things, shaking my head no at some and nodding my head yes at others. Ah, if only I had more money.


I finally picked out some things. I chose an orange miniskirt with white ruffles underneath, a burgundy(ish) hoodie, and a v-neck creamy pink sweater. Now off to the shoes!


I gape at the prices of the shoes. Sure, I've seen the prices many times, but. Man! These shoes can be pricy! One pair of sneakers is like $120 here… Of course, I'm slightly exaggerating but… You know… Hey. When you're a poor highschool student, you can't afford these things.


I shift through the many shoes, looking for a pair that I could afford.


"Hmmm…" For those of you who don't know, shoe shopping is very, and I repeat, very important. You can't just pick the first one you see; you have to concentrate.


"Ah!" I pull out a brown pair of boots with a gold buckle near the top, but wait… Why is this so freaking hard to pull out? I tug on it some more and nearly lunge forward. What the hell?


"What the hell?" I look up to see another girl. She had red hair and… Pfft, red eyes? Please. So fake~! And she has the most horrible and ugly cowlick! Ever heard of hair gel?


"Back off! I saw these first so let go!" The red haired cow says.


"What? I saw these first so why don't you let go?" I reply back. Hey, it took me like five minutes to find these boots while it took her, like, one second.


"No way!" She yells. And the tugging-of-boots begins.


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