Chapter 8- A letter?

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Ashley woke up first before her mother. Someone hits their doorbell and she saw a newspaper in front of their door, she gets it while drinking milk and then throws it on the center table. She prepared a breakfast for them and then Fina go downstairs.

“Good morning Fina!” Ashley smiled.

Fina stared to her sharply and just ignore her. Ashley just drinks her milk again and suddenly heard Fina shouting. She quickly checks Fina and she found her at the bathroom.

She knocked on the door, “Fina? Fina? What’s wrong?”

“There’s a cockroach on the toilet!”

“Open the door!”

Fina opened the door and Ashley quickly removed her left slippers and hit the cockroach. Fina saw something comes out from the cockroach.


Ashley sprayed a toilet cleaner to the toilet seat. She was about to leave but Fina holds her shirt.

“Clean me after I poop.” Fina said seriously.

Ashley smiled. “Okay! Just call me right after you poop” She rubbed Fina’s hair and then leaves.

            Jen already woke up and check the newspaper first. She saw the front page and got shocked into it. She removed it then crumpled it. Ashley saw her mom holding the newspaper and Jen quickly hides the front page under the pillow.

“Mom? What are you doing?”

“N-nothing… You woke up earlier than me. Why?”

“I just want to prove myself to Fina.” Ashley chuckles.

“I-is that so? Have you already cooked?”

“Yes. I’ll just wait for Fina’s call and we’ll eat. Let’s go.” Ashley grabbed Jen’s hand and brings her to the dining room.

“Ashley!!! Ashley!!!!” Fina shouted.

“Coming!” Fina opened the door and hold her nose. “Oooh… This smell…”

“I hate you.”

“I’m just kidding… I love this smell.” She removed her hand and holds her breath. She can’t stand it and hold her nose again. “Sorry Fina. I can’t bear this.” Ashley laughed.

“You’re crazy!”

Ashley started cleaning Fina’s butt. “When will you start calling me with a respect?”

“I already said it to you.”

            After a few minutes, cleaning Fina and eating was already done! Jen asked Ashley to wash the dishes but she refused to it. She just chooses cleaning the house instead. Jen didn’t do anything about it and just goes to the dishes area.

            Ashley cleans the living room first and she founds the newspaper loosing its front page.

“Mom! Where’s the front page of this newspaper?” she shouted.

Jen didn’t hear it clearly.

Ashley just continued cleaning and found a crumpled paper under the pillow. She gets it and started reading it. Jen remembers about the front page of the newspaper and she quickly goes to the living room to get it but she saw Ashley sitting on the floor and holding the front page of the newspaper.


Ashley quickly goes upstairs and opens her drawer. She gets the letter that Joseph gave to her and opened it forcefully.

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