The New Rachel

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Have you ever had someone come into your life and unexpectedly change everything? Change the way you feel, how you see yourself, and make you question everything you thought you knew about anything? I'll tell you something. You will meet several people like this in your life. Maybe it takes years to meet more than one, maybe it only takes you a few months to have your world turned upside down several different times. That's how I feel. I met someone and I fell hard straight away. This being because I thought I knew who I was and what I wanted. As time wears on, you and I both might find that the first person we fall for won't be the only one. They might not even be the one you end up with. I guess we'll have to wait and see that play out. Let me start at the beginning.

My name is y/n. I'm a sophomore at McKinley high school in Lima, Ohio. I came here my freshman year instead of the school in my district because my brother also transferred over here and I was scared of being alone in high school. I would've been alone anyway because I would've had to go to an all girls' high school. But, he's a senior now and although we don't socialize much at school, he's my best friend in the whole world and I admire him so much. So, I wanted to be able to see him more.

I wasn't really in any clubs last year due to not being able to really speak in front of large amounts of people. But, this year I wanted to be in something, so I found a compromise. I'm really good at playing the piano, and my brother convinced me to join his singing club. I absolutely do not sing. Especially in front of people, so he talked to the teacher of the club, Mr. Schue, and got me the part of playing the piano when the other kids sing. I think the old man that did it before me was actually relieved when they told him he didn't have to do it anymore.

With joining a club out of the way, I go about my regular routines of going to class and staying in my wallflower bubble. I prefer being a wallflower because it means I hear everything. I basically know everything that's going on at this school, and no one notices me enough to pick on me. Anyway, I continue walking down the hall until I come to the choir room. I enter and everyone waves, knowing me through my brother. I take my seat at the piano just to make sure there's no confusion as to what I'll be doing this year.

Mr. Schue enters and gives a beginning of the year pep talk before introducing Wade "Unique" Adams as the newest member of the New Directions, which is apparently the name of the glee club. I see the look on my brother's and the rest of the club's faces. They are not exactly thrilled about it. None of them want more competition to be the new Rachel.

"I wanted to be somewhere where different was celebrated," she says softly. I can't help but smile to myself because I think that's an awesome trait of any club. Celebrating differences. Then, Blaine brings up the subject of everyone wanting to be the new Rachel, and I mentally roll my eyes as they agree to have a competition behind Mr. Schue's back.

Why does everything have to be a competition? Doesn't matter because it always is. I decide to meet up with everyone in the auditorium to show my support. Also, because I have nothing better to do since my brother is my ride home. I walk onto the stage with everyone else.

"Y/n what are you doing here? I thought you didn't sing?" Tina asks me.

"Oh, I definitely don't. I'm just here to see the competition and show my support," I explain. She smiles, probably thinking my support is for her. It's not. She should know better.

"Y/n? Is it? It's nice to meet you, I'm Unique," she introduces herself as she extends a hand.

I take it gently and smile back, "Same. Nice to be around someone my age. I mean, I love you guys but you seem like aliens to me sometimes." I laugh at the friends I made last year, while Brittany makes a silly face at me.

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