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"No, please, do not, my love. I beg of you." Emerita begged her husband, tears streaming down her face. Esther has just surpressed Niklaus' werewolf side with help of him and Mikael and now Elijah was bringing a girl with an open neck to his wife that refused to turn. She ran away as soon as Mikael started forcing her siblings-in-law blood.

No one, except for Elijah, could find her. He could always find her. Somehow, even without trying, they seemed to be around each other, their spirits calling out to each other and pulling the two beings closer.

"I am sorry, but if I am to be condemned to forever, there is no one I'd rather have by my side." His eyes was apologetic as he brought the woman closer to his wife.

Emerita tried to hold on to her control as long as she could, but eventually, she snapped and sped forward. The Mikaelson by marrige drank the woman dry. And finally when she stopped, she felt horrified and disgusted with herself. The woman's body fell to the ground Emerita gasped and took a step back. In that moment, she vowed to never kill another human ever again.

Elijah smiled lovingly at his wife and took a step forward. "No." That word was hard, cold and sharp. It felt like several knives was sticked into Elijah's heart when she took a step back from him.

"I begged you, not to do it. Yet you went against my wishes. You did it just so you would not be forever alone. Do you realise how selfish you are?" Her voice didn't softened whatsoever, even when guilt and heartbreak started to fill her husband's face.

"Emmie, please." He begged, and took a step forward, but Evaline took another step back awat from him.

"I am not your 'Emmie' anymore and I never will be again." She lifted her and and ripped of the wedding ring Elijah had made for her, and threw it to him. "We are no longer husband and wife. I never want to see you again."

With that, she started to run into the forest, away from her husband, who was to stunned to follow her.

Eventually the shock left his body but by then it was to late. Emerita was long gone, so ge kneeled down to the ground and searched for her wedding ring - the one thing that connected her to him. After find the ring, he took of his own weddig band and threaded it onto one of his empty leather necklace's.

And that's where it has remained for a thousand years, Elijah having never taken it off. Years ago, someone, who had the guts to ask the highly private and noble Orignal what the rings are for and where it comes from, would only recieve a cold look before the man would speed away.

So, he started wearing suits. Because what people couldnt see, they couldn't ask questions about. One rare quiet days, he'd think about the irony of the situation. He wanted Evaline to turn so that he doesn't have to sped forever alone, but then she left him.

To this day, he hasn't stopped loving or waiting for his wife to return to him. And he'll continue to wait, however long it takes.

After all, they've got Always and Forever.


Okay, so this is the first chapter. It's short, I know. This was more like a prologue-thingy. The rest of the chapters will be longer, those of you who have read some of my other works, know that.

So, I hope you enjoyed this little expanded explanation of what happened between Em and Elijah.

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