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CHAPTER SIX : a man in love

"Just so you know, this is a little bit creepy." Emerita commented matter-of-factly, looking around one of the sitting rooms in the Mikaelson Compound. It is completely dark aside from some lit candles and the roaring fire in the fireplace as Elijah, Klaus and Emerita sitting on the couches.

Klaus snorts, "So very sorry for the inconvenience, Em, I'll be sure to put it in the box of complaints."

"Now that is quite the feat, having all the complaints lodged against you fitting in one box." Emerita retorts easily, a smile pulling her lips upwards.

Elijah felt his rather large green eyed monster rear its ugly head at the casual conversation between his brother and his wife. She wouldn't talk more than a few words with him and when she does, it's all about the damned prophecy. Elijah's eyes rested on his wife softly, unable to tear his eyes away from her. The glow of the fire made her skin a warm golden color, making her look like something out of this world. Her eyes flickered to his, and Elijah's breath caught in his throat as he stared back.

Emerita broke first, looking back to Klaus, who had a knowing smirk on his face as he looked between the two of them. Her cheeks flushed and she rolled her eyes at the Hybrid.

She cleared her throat and rested her elbows on her thighs, lightly clasping her hands as she looked at the two brother's. "So, how about you tell me the story of Lucien and Tristan?"

Klaus smirked at her, "Once upon a time-"

"Niklaus, I swear to God." Emerita cut him of warningly. Klaus laughed lightly before nodding a bit more seriously.

"Well, if you're going to know everything, then I suppose I should also tell you about Aurora." Klaus started, voice going much softer than before. Out of the corner of her eye, Emerita saw her husband tense briefly at the name.

"Who is she?" Emerita was curious, the vulnerability in the Hybrid's eyes let her know that she was someone important to him.

Klaus swallowed and started telling the story. Right from the start, about how they met Lucien for the first time and almost killed him, but he promised to keep their secret and help them, so the Mikaelson's let him live. About how Klaus fell in love with Aurora and started an affair, that Aurora was Tristan's sister, about how Tristan thought it was Lucien - who was hopelessly in love with her - that had an affair with her and nearly killed the then servant boy, until Klaus saved him. Everything. And whatever she asked, they answered.

"So, where is this Aurora, now?" Emerita frowned, brain processing all of the information she just received.

"I have no idea." Klaus admitted, something in his eyes shifting almost sadly. Emerita then knew there was more to this story but she wouldn't pry anymore tonight. She had a feeling she was going to be around for a while.

"If the pattern holds, she is bound to show up sooner or later." Elijah said, more than a little grumpy about that fact. He did not want the Trinity in his city.

"So, let me get this straight, you turned him to save him - no matter the fact that it was by accident - and now he might be hiding the weapon that can kill us?" Emerita asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yes. And even back then, he was a bloodthirsty vampire, like a ripper, but more in control. I saw it the night he slaughtered an entire chapel full of people." Klaus stares introspectively at the fire for a long moment before speaking, "And now I reap what I sow. I should have killed him in that chapel."

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