Chapter Four

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After feeling exhausted and losing count of how many papers I edited I decided to go back to the coffee shop and take my mind off things, it's been five hours and I didn't even realise that the time ticked by so fast while I am just sitting like a statue on my desk working on those papers. I took my laptop with me in case I felt bored, I was dreading the moment when I'd get out of my work clothes but I didn't feel like going home yet, before I left, I made sure to get every article about Harry Styles, I've never been so curious about someone's case before, my curiosity was steadily rising to know more about him, it seems like he's way too skilled, when he escaped the asylum there were cameras everywhere and he either took them down or found other easy ways to get past them but of course the general managers would never admit that, they don't wanna show how weak and pathetic the system is, I am infatuated with every detail written about him in every article, the problem is that it seems like everyone is making different story about him, every article has a new record of his crimes which is complete a lie cause deep down I know none of them are true or at least they made sure to make things look even more worse than they already are, I never really understood why the media likes to make rumours and twist facts but I am used to seeing all of those things almost everyday and people seem to believe everything easily and they're quick to share and spread words around, the more I think about this situation, the more I realize how messed up the society really is.

I sighed and rested my head on my car headrest closing my eyes for a few seconds until the sound of someone knocking on my car Window made me jump. startled, I let out a sigh of relief when I recognized it's Zayn.

"You scared the living day light out of me" I muttered.

He chuckled raising his hands up in defense "sorry, are you going home?" He asked tilting his head lightly.

"No, you know where I go after a long day of work" I said.

He rolled his eyes at me "the hideout, I am starting to hate that place because of you, they certainly named it because you go hiding in there when you don't want anyone to bother you"

"Well, you found my hiding place, gotta change it before you go bragging " I said smugly, he slapped my shoulder lightly.

"You won't" he rubbed his hands together allowing heat to spread through his hands "it's pretty cold today, it might rain, I better go home before it's dark, don't stay out too late either, Celia"

"Okay, daddy" I rolled my eyes at him again.

"Keep rolling your eyes, maybe you’ll find your brain back there" I laughed at his comeback then I brought the engine to life heading straight to my so called hiding place. Zayn is like the older brother that I never had, he's always there for me, when I was employed in the company he was the first person to talk to me, showing me around, introducing me to the whole staff, sometimes I just feel grateful that I have someone like him.

I parked my car outside the building locking it then stepping into the coffee shop for the second time today ordering the same thing and setting on the same table, I ran my fingers through my hair feeling tired then I started pulling out the laptop of it's case and getting back to what I was reading, which is the same topic that's been consuming my mind for the past couple of weeks.

One of the sites said that Harry killed one member of his family and he shoot at one of the officers who was there to help, after the incident his family reported that they don't wanna deal with him anymore and they moved out not leaving any trace behind, he was charged with murder but found not guilty by reason of insanity and ordered to be treated at a state psychiatric hospital, after a couple of years he was released and his family took care of him But his mental health problems continued.

I stopped right there because something clearly didn't make sense, how come his family moved out and left without a trace cause they didn't want to deal with home due to his mental issues then they took Care of him after he was released? Which idiot wrote this article?

I huffed taking a sip of my coffee resting my head on the window watching as the rain started to fall.

"Just like the rest of the town" I was startled for the second time today, how many times is that gonna happen to me? I looked up to be met with those emerald green eyes again to find them staring at my laptop.

I don't know whether meeting him here was a coincidence or he was stalking me "so you came? You said you wouldn't" he said carelessly looking around, I furrowed my eyebrows confused for a second until I realised what he was talking about.


"You said at seven but actually it's half past six" smooth Celia, really smooth.

"Oh, my bad" he replied sarcastically.

"I didn't come here for you, Okay? I even forgot about you lovely offer that I remember turning down" I said emphasizing the word 'lovely'.

"Well, either ways you came but you already ordered your poor excuse of a coffee" he said.

"Nobody told you to drink it" I replied feeling frustrated "why are you sitting with me anyways? There are plenty of other tables"

"I come here regularly and my favourite seat happens to be the one you're sitting in"

"Barbaric" I scoffed at his answer "I am just so lucky, aren't I?"

He nodded with that smirk that I wanna slap off his face so bad, we sat there in silence for a while until he decided to speak.

"Why are you so obsessed about that case?" He asked.

"What case?" I asked playing dumb as if I didn't know what he was talking about.

"You know what case" he stated.

"It's non of your business, you know? And who said I am obsessed? I was just checking the news, the usual" lies.

"Right" it was his turn to roll his eyes at me, he stood up from his chair indicating that he's leaving, he patted my shoulder and bent down to whisper in my ear "don't try to solve something unsolved, curiosity killed the cat"

I stared at him in shock for a few seconds, who said that I am trying to Solve it? I copied his actions "I am no cat" I whispered back and before he could even reply I was out of the coffee shop.


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