Chapter Eight

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I found myself right in front of the institution, alone. Standing outside that incredibly large creepy building made me feel like I forgot why I was here in the first place and the fact that the weather was chillingly cold didn't help either, I stared at it for a few seconds before taking a deep breath and entering through the doors, I saw doctors and nurses rushing around but no one seemed to notice my presence, the woman at the reception only glanced in my way before looking back at whatever she was doing.

I started looking around noticing how the walls were pretty plain, their color was enough to make anyone feel nervous, there were lots of rooms each one of them had a number and a letter on them, there were glasses in most of the patient's room in which you somehow can see what they're doing, I approached one of them, standing closely to notice that there was a girl sitting on a bed, she wasn't doing anything but staring at the opposite wall that was facing her, I can only imagine how being isolated within a hospital psychiatric unit makes you fell, her blonde hair was covering her face so I couldn't see anything but her limb body, I felt like I was staring at her too long cause all of a sudden she faced me without even moving anything but her face, I felt chills running down my spine, her hazel eyes felt like the life was drained out of them, she took a few steps toward the door until she was standing right in front of the glass that was the only thing separating us, I wanted to take a couple of steps back but the fact that the door was locked made me feel safe, she was just staring plainly at me, I waited for any kind of reaction, a scream, pounding on the door, I was waiting for anything but she did nothing at all. There were faded scars on her wrist as well and some parts were swelling, I analyzed them too long that I noticed her eyes moving in the direction that mine were just staring at.

I blinked a few times before taking a few steps back then making my way further down the hall, the more I wondered around the more I got the feeling as if I was in some sort of a horror movie, each person in here is struggling with their own problem of not being able to blend with everyone else or feeling like they're disconnected from reality, this place felt like a maze with each step I took forward, I am feeling terrified and I can hear the sound of my heart beating, how does it feel for the other patients who are much more vulnerable than I am, that are forced to stay here permanently? Do they have people out there who cares about them or wondering how they're feeling being here all alone facing four walls each and every night? This place is a mess.

I saw a door in a very dim corner with a sign saying 'psychiatrists only' , I was debating whether I should go or should I just keep walking and ignore it, my subconscious was telling me to stay away but I just couldn't, I walked slowly in the direction of the door then I saw a key hanging from the door handle, I put the key in then clicked it and I heard the sound of the door opening making a small creak, I left the key where it was before then closed the door right behind me.

There were about five shelves on my right, and three on my left, they were filled with files and papers and every shelf had a sign on it with the ward's letter and number, I went over to ward B immediately, scanning the numbers with my eyes 13B,14B,15B,16B... then I found what I was looking for 17B, there were lots of files in there, I was so lost and I was rushing around, scared that someone might barge in any second, I took one more look at the direction of the door to make sure that there was no one but I let out a loud shriek of pure fear when I saw the girl with hazel eyes that was locked in her room a couple of minutes ago standing right there with the door closed behind her, I should've ran, I should've done anything, but I didn't, I just stood there freezing.

"You're holding the files of ward B, do you know what they include?" She asked letting her hand wonder over the dusty shelves, her voice was rough and deep. I couldn't find it in me to speak so I just shook my head at her after a few seconds when I came back to my senses.

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