Chapter Six

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yesterday was a complete bizarre, everything made me confused especially how insistent both of them were, I don't even care about Harry and I don't care if he's into this adventurous shit or if he thinks that he's gonna get this guy from whatever mess he's in, I don't care if he thinks that he's some sort of hero that's gonna make everything okay, all I care about is that he's dragging Zayn into all of this, I've been working with Zayn for as long as I can remember and we read about those things every single day, it's just life so I can't really comprehend why all of a sudden he's interested about this case, it just doesn't make sense, I may have been digging around it since the news were released but that's just me being my curious self, I thought when Zayn talked about it for the first time that maybe it sparked his interest just like any other case but this is going too far and I don't know how to think, I don't know whether I should help him cause he's my best friend or if I should leave him until he realizes that he's being ridiculous and this is not even his job.

I am starting to get a headache just thinking about all of this and it's still 9:00AM and I have loads of things to go through.

I saw Zayn moving from the corner of my eye adjusting the papers on his desk, his office was right next to mine which makes it harder for me to brush him off like I intend to, I ignored him looking at whatever article I want to begin with, I can already feel the tension between us growing. I am pretty sure that I am not going to be the one to approach him and as I know Zayn well enough, I am sure he wouldn't as well.

I stiffened when I was looking through many of the papers that are tossed on my desk then I saw him standing there with a folder in his hands, biting his lower lip quite nervously, I can tell already he's considering whether talking to me is a good idea or he should just leave me be.

"Uhh sorry to plant this on you but Mr Smith gave me those and he said that there are four articles in this file, they're really great but they have lots of errors, you should just edit them and hand them on Tuesday" he said scanning the desk with his light Brown eyes to avoid eye contact.

I was debating whether I should answer him or not but I decided that I should just give him a nod to assure him that I was listening to what he said then I went back to typing on my computer and he went back to his office.

I can tell I am making all of this really awkward over something so silly but I just don't trust Zayn being around Harry, he doesn't seem like a good company, his appearance screams trouble.

"Okay, cut the shit and stop with the attitude and the silent treatment that you've been giving me since I left your apartment yesterday" he said coming back from his office to mine, angrily tugging on his hair, I eyed him then said nothing "c'mon, enough is enough, we're fucking adults let's just talk it out"

"Are you willing to give up the stupid idea of solving this case?" I asked squinting my eyes at him.

"We just talked about it yesterday" he said letting out a huff of frustration.

"I don't care what we said yesterday, I am asking you this right now" I said giving him my full attention waiting for his answer, for a moment I thought that he would say it's stupid and just give it up but that's when I heard him utter "if I told you yesterday my answer is no what makes you think I would change it today?" He chucked sarcastically.

"Maybe because I thought you weren't idiotic enough to agree to this, like who the hell is Harry, huh? You just met him for God's sake" I said feeling exasperated.

"You don't even know when I met him, okay? I've been friends with the guy for a while, I don't really know why this bothers you" he said calmly which is adding to my fuel.

"Because I fucking care about you, Zayn. I don't wanna make this dramatic but what are you getting yourself into, solving a criminal case? Seriously? You're a journalist for crying out loud, are you considering your life's path right now?" I asked mockingly

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