Chapter Eleven

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This chapter contains massive scenes of violence and swearing, read at your own risk.

I sat there on the ground in my shivering cold cell feeling like I could pass out any second, my wrists were handcuffed after I was thrown harshly for the second time then hearing the sound of the door being locked, just like how it is everyday, my mouth was dry and chapped, it felt like hell trying to swallow or even move my mouth, my eyelids were heavy and swollen as I was covered in bruises, they were all over my skin that somehow I felt numb from all the pain, blood was covering my whole body contrasting my pale parched, dehydrated skin, I can't move and I can't stop bleeding, pain is invading every single cell in my body, I was calm from the outside but on the inside I was only falling apart, everyday here in this place makes a small piece of me dies, I had hope that I could be saved, that my family would get me out of here but by every passing day I could feel that glimmer of hope burning out.

I heard the sound of footsteps coming closer towards my cell and I could only imagine the amount of torture that I would go through again while all I could do was remain silent and unresponsive as I heard the door being unlocked and the dim light blinding my eyes for a few seconds since the cell was pitch black, I saw Raven and his three bloody idiots that they call nurses.

"Missed us, Styles?" He asked with a lunatic smile making my insides twist.

"Thought you were dead, actually" I said in my gruff voice, I was surprised at how hoare and gravelly it sounded, my throat was aching and begging for a single drop of water but I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of telling them.

"Why? Thought you'd be dead first since you're the one kept in a cell, not me" he replied back smirking at what he said.

"Just the fact that you and your flunkies only have two brain cells, should be dead by now" I said furrowing my eyebrows, faking my confusion at the fact that they're still alive and I could see that what I said definitely ignited his anger.

I let out a muffled scream as I felt my arm being twisted in an angel that could make it fractured or broken any second and the handcuffs weren't helping at all "you think that you're some damn tough badass, don't you? You aren't, and if you think that your smartass replies are getting on my nerves, then you're awfully wrong"

"They already did" I snickered feeling my head forcefully being lifted then getting slammed against the cell's wall making my head pound and I could already feel blood trickling from my forehead.

"You should really learn who's in charge" he hissed in my ear, the mental and physical anguish here are intolerable, my body is at a breaking point.

"Take him to the torture chamber" he demanded letting go of grasping my hair tightly in his hands, my eyelids are on the verge of closing but I keep forcing them open, I felt my body being dragged across the hallways, my legs were wobbling underneath my weight, they almost felt boneless, I can't even control trying to stand on my own feet, my breath was heavy making my stomach heave in fear of what was about to happen.

I was suddenly slammed down on a wooden chair, I could hear them undoing the cuffs, I stared at my wrists to see that the area turned into blue from the blood being pressured for days under the handcuffs, I tried collecting any strength I have left in me but I found none, I wasn't in control of my own body movements.

"Now, what do you think we should start with?" I heard his voice echoing through the room as he paced around, he was standing in front of me so I didn't have a choice but to stare at his evil eyes waiting in anticipation for what is about to happen "hmm?"

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