Chapter Two

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Author's note at the end, please read it.

I slept for two good hours but of course, Darya called to wake me up so I can get ready, she knows that if she never called I would never get out of bed.

I took a quick shower and curled my hair then I opened my wardrobe to see which dress I should wear, I found a tight short black dress that just ended about mid-thigh, I found my matching heels that completed my outfit, I put on lipstick and blusher, I didn't feel like going there with a face that looks like I just caked it up. I glanced at the clock and saw that there were still ten minutes left until Zayn arrives, I gave myself one final look making sure I liked my appearance.

After I was done my phone started ringing, signaling that Zayn is outside, I locked my apartment and found his car in front of my house entrance.

"Look who decided to bless our night with joining us, such an honor" Zayn said faking an accent I ended up laughing at him.

"You better be grateful, don't get used to it" I warned playfully.

"I won't" he replied with the same accent.

"And I thought your accent couldn't get any worse, guess I was wrong" I snickered stifling a laugh.

Zayn faked a surprised face mixed with a hurt look "what? Girls love it, you're just jealous"

"Of course I am," I said rolling my eyes at him.

"So, have you finished that article?" He asked turning the radio on.

"I have" I replied, he shook his head with a laugh escaping his mouth and I believe I heard him muttering something under his breath along the lines of 'workaholic'.

After a few minutes we pulled in front of Darya's house, I rang her phone so she knows that we are waiting outside, She opened the backseat door mumbling a small "hello", after that there was no sound except for the music that was playing on the radio.

"Zayn, is any of your friends coming along?" I asked knowing that Zayn's circle was much wider than mine.

"Yeah, one of my friends will be waiting for me at the club" I nodded at his response and after a few moments we arrived at the club, Zayn was parking his car while we were waiting for him at the entrance, it didn't take long for us to get in and I was thankful since my heels were making my legs ache already.

As I entered I could feel the smell of alcohol and sweaty bodies filling my nostrils, Zayn waved at a guy and I already knew that this was his friend that we were talking about in the car.

"Hey mate," Zayn greeted while hugging him.

"Hey, how are you?" he asked quietly.

I took a moment staring at his features, he looked good I couldn't lie. Green eyes, cheekbones, and a jawline to cut diamonds with, chocolate brown curly hair, tattooed arms, big muscles. I guess I was staring at him way too long cause Darya nudged my shoulders lightly indicating that they said something and I wasn't paying attention, too busy checking him out.

"Uh sorry, what?" I said coming out of my daze, I am sure I looked like an idiot as the green-eyed man just stood there watching me like an owl with an intense glare while Zayn rolled his eyes at my response, yeah he knows I am always the one so space out "This is Harry, one of my closest friends, I haven't seen him for such a long time"

So his name is Harry, it suits him. I shook Harry's hand smiling "I am Celia and this is Darya, nice to meet you" he didn't say anything in return, in fact, he just stood there staring at my hand for a couple of seconds like I was a ghost he was afraid of touching then he shook it without saying anything.

Everyone started talking but I wasn't paying attention to what they were saying so I decided to get a drink and dance for a bit, Zayn and Darya joined me after a few minutes later until I lost them in the crowd.

As I danced I could feel the bass vibrating throughout the club, I moved my hips to the music as everything around me started fading, all I could focus on was feeling the music bounding in my ear resulting my body moving to the rhythm, The strobe lights were blinding my vision but I didn't care and I kept dancing.

A few seconds later I felt hands on my waist and someone's front pressed against my back, I turned around looking at the guy's face, I was just about to tell him to back off when he pulled me closer grabbing my waist, his breath racked of alcohol.

Somehow I managed to remove his hands from my waist "let go of me"

"Why would I do that?" He asked smirking.

"Because I said so, now get your hands off me," I said gritting my teeth, pushing him away aggressively.

I started to walk away but I could feel him following behind and before I could turn around and slap him, He pulled me back his hands started to rise up to my waist going higher with every passing second, his hot breath fanning over my neck making me feel sick to my stomach.

"We could've done this the easy way but I guess you like it rough," he said while skimming his hands over my sides.

"She said let her fucking go, now back off asshole" I was surprised to see Harry pushing him away with a look of anger and rage on his face, the guy stumbled back and lost his balance while Harry started walking away, I was shocked for a few seconds then I followed him trying to keep up with his pace. He went outside lighting a cigarette, I didn't know what to so say so we stayed silent for a few seconds, his attitude and tough exterior were making things harder for me.

"Thank you for helping me," I said watching him as he blew out the smoke and take another drag, he just nodded his head not bothering to say anything.

"You don't talk much, do you?" I asked raising my eyebrows at him.

"No, I don't" he simply replied.

"Why?" I asked tilting my head to get a better look at his face.

"No reason to" I was about to say something but Zayn and Darya came towards us so I thought it's better to just save it for later.

"Where were you?" Zayn asked confusion overwritten on his face "just wanted fresh air and Harry was keeping me company, right Harry?" I asked hoping he would get the hint and play along.

"I was," he said.

"I think we should head home," Darya said cutting the tension, I nodded agreeing with her even though we haven't been here for an hour but after what happened back there, all I want to do is go home.

we made our way towards the car, I made sure no one was watching as I pulled Harry back by his wrist whispering closely in his ear "don't tell them anything"

I watched the corner of his mouth turn up into a smirk, that's all I got and that was enough confirmation for me.



Okay, so everyone in the comment section is asking "how didn't she notice him?" My only reply is you'll know in the upcoming chapters, and HE HAS NO TAPES, NO PICS, NOTHING AT ALL.

Thanks for reading.

P.s Jane's name was changed into Darya.

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