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Justin spotted the animal before anyone else. It had four skinny legs and a fattened body. It had fur, but much shorter than Butters' fur. It was colored tan with darker brown streaks layered within it. It had large black eyes and a strange looking face with long white, pointy horns attached to it's head. Chris loaded an arrow into the bow and pulled back the string. The bow was longer than my torso with a frame that curved like a half moon. It was painted with dark green, black and brown spots with a black string connecting the two edges. The arrow Chris had loaded it with was thin and black with a shining silver, pointed tip. Chris released the string and the arrow catapulted forward, faster than my eyes could follow and the animal fell down.

"Yes!" Christian exclaimed, "That was a buck! We'll have meat for a year!" Christian laid his bow and arrows on the jeep's floor and hopped out of the jeep, practically floating on air over to the animal. The other three looked mad and jealous. I figured they had wanted to be the ones to shoot the magnificent animal.

We sat in the jeep, watching Christian struggle to lift the heavy animal.

"How is he going to fit that into the jeep?" Dymond asked.

"I don't know, but it'll be fun to watch." Justin answered.

"I'll go help him." I decided, and hopped out of the jeep and jogged through the thick golden grass over to Christian.

He was trying to drag the front half of the animal over the grass and rocks. I grabbed the back legs and with a grunt slung them over my shoulder, and Christian did the same with with the front half. Every bone and muscle in my body groaned with protest, but I successfully carried my end over to the jeep. I didn't even know that things could get that heavy.

"An easy two-hundred pounder." Christian stated, "So Vi just carried one-hundred pounds on her shoulder, the hurt one, and walked with her bandaged ankle. I think she'll do fine in training." I realized I was carrying the animal on my cut up shoulder.

I got back into the jeep, not knowing how to react to a compliment. I didn't like it one bit, I would've preferred some criticism. Chris based the compliment on fact, so it was impossible to argue with. What could I say, 'The animal wasn't that heavy' or 'My shoulder isn't cut up, and my ankle isn't bruised'? I decided on not saying anything.

Justin was right, it was hilarious to watch Christian try to get the animal on the jeep. He first tried to secure it to the roof, and the legs dangled in my face, then he tried the back of the jeep, and the head slid across the ground. He decided on the hood of the jeep, where the animal was comfortable and so was I.

We decided to go back to the house, where Christian could start cooking the meal, then we would keep cruising around the rest of the day. At the house Christian decided on some kind of soup, which I wasn't overly excited about because that was one meal they constantly served back in the city. Christian picked up his bow and arrows into the house to clean them off, and the animal was once again dragged across the ground. The rest of us rode around with Dymond driving quickly this time.

"Dare you to lean out of the jeep and grab a rock." I told Josh.

"That sounds more like a dare for Just." He replied. Justin eagerly took up the dare without further question. He laid across the seats on his stomach and lowered his arms out. He spotted a good rock and grabbed for it, but it was too heavy and he dropped it. The next one he managed to snag, and threw it to me. It was black and about the size of my head. Naturally, I caught it in my left hand, then stabled it with my right, and I realized that was a mistake when my shoulder flared up in pain. I tried to hide it, but a flicker of discomfort must've shown across my face and Justin looked at me worriedly. To cover it up, I used my left arm to heave the rock behind me and out of the jeep, which caused my arm to protest further, but I was ready for it and didn't let it show on my face. Justin relaxed.

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