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I slowly began to regain focus of the real world. Without opening my eyes, I stretched out and lay there for a tick. I heard my door open all the way and pretended to be sleeping by staying motionless and breathing deeply. I almost flinched when a light hand shook my shoulder.

"Vi, time to wake up." Dymond said quietly, almost a whisper. I had never heard my name shortened like that. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes to see four more pairs of eyes hovering an inch above my face. My heart jumped, and next thing I knew I was groaning on the floor next to my bed and the other four were laughing their heads off. I realized this must've been a prank and I thought about what just happened. I probably made a ridiculous face, and I started laughing too at the thought. Christian helped me up, trying to contain his laughter.

"Come on Vi, we're having donuts today!" Justin yelped excitedly, "You get to make your own." He explained. I was still wearing the clothes from the day before, but I lumbered after the rest of them to the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen to smell something delicious. It was almost sour, but sweet at the same time. The other four grabbed different mugs from four strange looking machines, and one remained. I assumed it was for me, so I grabbed it. It was warm with a dark liquid filling the mug. The liquid was definitely where the smell emanated from. The other impracticals set their mugs on the table to mark their spots, then moved back into the kitchen. They each grabbed a portion of the dough that was already there and started forming it into small balls or large loops. I copied Josh, who was making a large loop. He then placed his dough loop into the Boiling oil on the stove. Soon, he pulled it out with tongs, and it appeared crisp and golden. Then he iced it with a dark colored icing, one of the three icings there. One was clear like sugar, and the other was pure white like milk. I followed Josh's lead and ended up with a donut much like his. I placed the ring on a plate, then sat down to a steaming hot mug. Once the other four were seated, everyone started digging in without hesitation.

"Put this in your coffee." Dymond reached over to my mug and slipped two cubes of sugar in and something that turned the dark liquid a light brown. I brought it up to my lips and took a small, cautious sip. It tasted amazing, and my body started to feel a lively buzz. I picked up the ring to taste it. It was so fluffy and light, it practically melted in my mouth. The thick, warm icing went perfectly with it. I went back to the kitchen with the others and tried one more ring with a clear icing and five little circles with the dark icing. It filled my stomach and made me feel like I could run a mile.

Soon, everyone was done eating their fluffy doughnuts and drinking their coffee, so we started off to grab the 'dirt bikes'. Christian led us into the mixup room and towards the back where all of the machines were held. Christian hit a switch and the entire metal wall lifted up and curved onto the ceiling with a lot of creaks and metal screeching. The metal wall opened up to a blue, cloudless sky. The wind visibly rippled in waves across the grass, bending it to it's will. The wind had a strong force behind it and a cold touch to it.

"I think we should all put on a sweatshirt." Dymond said, rubbing her arms covered in goosebumps. Everyone agreed, except me and Christian. I thought the wind felt amazing, tearing me from the body I was stuck in. I didn't even feel the cold, I just felt jovial and calm, taking deep breaths of the crisp air, filling my head and lungs.

Christian decided to show me how to use a dirt bike. First, he had to show me what they were. He pointed to the six two wheeled machines, all painted differently, but the same design. All were painted with alternating colors, one of them black and the other color different. One had light blue stripes and another dark blue. The rest were painted yellow, red, purple, and silver. Christian told me that mine was the dark blue one. He showed me how to sit in it, how to get it started, how to steer, and how to brake.

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