Chapter 1

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Emily's pov 

''mom im going to school!'' i yelled from the door.

''okay dear be careful!'' mom yelled 

I walked out and got on my dirt bike and went to school. 

Here's what you got to know im 16 i turn 17 in a few months and i'm the daughter of Marcus Nolan who is currently the alpha of Sapphire pack my brother is gonna take over pretty soon after he graduates. My brother is Mark he's eighteen of course and a pain in my damn ass. My mom Erica is luna obviously and is really how do i put this protective but not really she's layed back sometimes but other times its like she's this strict person and she scares me but all mother's should scare their kids i mean thats why kids are disciplined right? Oh well thats all you really should know you'll learn on the way.

''emily!'' Naomi yelled 

Naomi Peterson my beta and best friend best girl out there to be honest no one could ever take her place she's like my sister. 

"Naomi!!'' I said mocking her

''Come on we have physics first'' she said and linked my arm with hers and I laughed

''Hold on I need to go to my locker you go I'll catch up'' I said and smiled

''Okay I'll save your spot'' she said and walked away and I opened my locker and put my bag in and grabbed my physics books and closed my locker and I jumped up.

"What the hell Aaron" I said

Aaron Waters is a soon to be alpha for Green Bay Pack and is also a huge asshole.

"Aw what's a matter beautiful" he said and smirked

"I have physics I don't have time for this" I said and walked away

(Aaron is the picture above)

"Oh beautiful why don't you skip with me" he said and smiled

"Look I don't have time for whatever damn game your playing so move" I said and I walked into my physics class and sat next to Naomi.

"The hell did he want" Naomi said

''To be an annoying asshole" I said and she chuckled.

After a long class period it was finally time for my favorite class. Gym.

''alright ladies get dressed and meet outside'' the coach said 

''im so glad football season started'' i said and smiled

''don't think that just because you were on the team last year means your on the team this year'' stacy said 

''oh i guess that goes for you too'' naomi said 

Stacy Waters aarons sister is just the devils spawn just like he is. 

''nope im captain it stays until i choose someone else to be captain and since there was a dumb captain last year i won't make any dumb mistakes on picking dumb people to be on the squad'' she said and i flashed my eyes and she flashed hers back.

''don't forget your on my turf little wolf'' she growled

''i may be on your turf but my dad still owns it and if he wanted you gone im sure you would go right back to where you came from im the reason your here don't forget i put in a good word for you and i can quickly change it'' i said and smiled and she walked away and naomi laughed.

''wow someone brought out the claws today your lucky no humans saw'' naomi said

''sometimes i forget'' i said and sighed and we walked out to the track and ran our miles. 

Since its boys and girls athletics we were running with the guys so i got to see mark and logan. 

''hey sista'' mark said and i chuckled

''hi mark hey logan'' i said and logan put his arm over me.

''what's up lova'' he said and kissed my cheek and i rolled my eyes

''your hopeless'' i said and he faked being hurt.

''ouch'' he said

''stop flirting with my sister she's 16'' mark said and rolled his eyes

''and im seventeen and a hopeless romantic'' logan said and i laughed

''im surprised you haven't found your mate'' i said 

''i did she's right in front of me and im dead ass in love'' logan said and chuckled and i rolled my eyes.

''where's lexi'' i said 

''she's with her dad today spending as much time with him as she can before she becomes luna'' mark said 

''oh'' i said 

Lexi is my brother's mate she's an amazing person she's outgoing and adventurous she's like a big sister to me.

''why is that boy looking at you like he wants to eat you'' mark said and pointed to aaron eyeballing me up and down.

''thats aaron waters'' i said

''stacy's asshole of a brother'' naomi said and logan put his arm over me and flicked him off and aaron walked off pissed.

''hey! get back to running before i add two more miles'' coach yelled and we all started running again. 

''so lova are you coming to my party tonight'' logan said and smiled

''party'' i said and he groaned

''come on em you never come out never go to parties you stay in that room of your's with naomi'' he said 

''if i say yes will you stop the hopeless flirting'' i said

''never its our bond'' he said and laughed

''you know i flirt with you and you shut me down thats our thing'' he said and smiled

''and what about when you find your mate'' i said

''i told you i found her'' he said and smiled

''oh shut it'' i said

''fine fine when i find her then of course ill stop but until then i will flirt with you as much as i want'' he said and chuckled 

Logan is mark's best friend ever since i was little logan always flirted with me he said when we both are over seventeen we will be mates because he loves me and i always just shut him down playfully though i never really hurt his feelings because i mean i have love for him just not that kind of love and plus when he turned seventeen we both knew we weren't mates but he was my first kiss. Thats another story for another time though.

''fine ill go'' i said and smiled

''yes!'' he said and i laughed and we finished running and continued with our day..........


The cast list is kind of messed up so when i put someone on there it puts it twice and it won't let me remove it because it deletes both sooo yeahh


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