Chapter 44

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Emily's pov


''so what are their name's'' lexi said and smiled 

''madison and mason'' i said and smiled 

''madison amelia waters and mason benjamin waters'' i said and smiled 

''that is so cute'' lexi said and smiled 

They played with the twin's and i felt a big pain in my chest. 

''emily?'' aaron said 

''i can't breathe'' i said and i started to gasp for air. 

''get the doctor!'' aaron yelled 

''emily look at me'' he said and he had worry all over his face. 

The pain started to spread throughout my body. The doctor's rushed in and pushed everyone but aaron out. 

''what happened'' the doctor said. 

''she said she couldn't breathe'' aaron said holding my hand

''emily can you tell me what's wrong'' the doctor said 

''it hurt's'' i cried 

''what does'' he said

''everything'' i said and i screamed in pain.

''alpha we need you to please step out.'' the doctor said 

''no i am not leaving her'' he growled.

''its okay'' i cried 

''emily im not going'' he said 

''aaron i-'' i started to go into a siezere and aaron was pushed out and the doctors came to me and the witch stepped forward and took away the spell.

''this room is sound proofed he cannot hear anything'' she said

''i need this to work and everyone needs to believe it's real'' i said 

''for that to happen you are going to have to really die luna'' the witch said

''but i can bring you back'' she said 

''how long will i be out'' i said 

''maybe an hour or longer enough time for everyone to know you are gone'' she said 

''we need to make it longer'' i said 

''how long'' she said 

''a whole day'' i said 

''alright just be careful okay'' she said and i nodded 

She started to chant and i felt a pull and everything just went dark. 

I opened my eyes and i just saw white. I walked around and it was just white. Then it changed. It looked like a regular neighborhood but brighter. I walked around and saw people that were alive but i went straight through them. I ran to the hospital and i heard yelling. Right away i knew who they were. Aaron and mark. 

''WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE'S GONE!'' aaron yelled 

''im sorry for your loss alpha'' the doctor said i saw everyone cry and i sighed. 

This was my plan and it was working. I needed everyone to think i was dead. 

My plan is to get everyone to think im dead and when vincents pack least expects it i will be the one to take them down. 

''i can't believe she's gone'' lexi cried

''she can't fucking be gone! She was perfectly fine!'' mark yelled and i felt horrible but i needed them to make this look as real as possible and if they knew it wouldn't be as believable. 

''emily?'' i heard and i turned and i filled with anger. 

''the hell do you want'' i growled 

''whoa whoa whoa before you go bat shit crazy on me let me explain'' she said 

''explain'' i said 

''when i saw logan talk to you that night in mari's room i admit i was jealous and i told one of my friends that i ran off with and after that i couldn't remember a single thing i did. When i died i rememebered everything that happened. He took me to vincents pack and i saw a witch the witch put a spell on me that made me purely hate you and when i died the spell broke of course and you have no idea how much i regret it'' she said 

''how do i know you are telling me the truth'' i said 

''let me show you'' she said and she grabbed my arm and i saw everything that happened and i believed her. 

''im so sorry stacy'' i said 

''it's okay im glad you killed me because that spell was unbreakable and logan seem's to be happy'' she said and smiled 

''well not right at this moment but with that girl he's more happy with her than he ever was with me and that's all i want for him'' she said and smiled 

''believe it or not but i watch over you guy's and your twins are so adorable'' she said and smiled 

''thank you'' i said 

''there is something you should know though emily'' she said 

''there is no stopping vincent he's ruthless i know what's up your sleeve and its a damn good plan but it also requires you do everything right if one thing doesn't work it all fall's apart'' she said 

''so then i guess im gonna need help'' i said and smiled 

''well i would love to be of assisstance'' she said and smiled 

''good'' i said..........

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