Chapter 3

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Phoenix's P.O.V

Its been a month since the night Xavier violated me and I have been avoiding him since. Surprisingly no one has beaten me since but I still do get called names everywhere I go (at the pack house,at school,at the mall, everywhere). I have told Milly everything including the part where Xavier raped me and she's been supportive but what I don't get is that now a days I have been sick, every morning I wake up to the urge to just vomit.

Milly and her parents have been very worried about me and have suggested I go see the doctor so to put their  minds at ease I am now at a human hospital getting some blood work done.

"Well miss Storm I would like to inform you that you are perfectly health and that all that has been happening is due to the fact that you are pregnant" the doctor that i have learned is called Macy said

"Oh my gosh I can't have a baby I'm only sixteen years old and the father wants nothing to do with me,what am I going to now?" I said

I mean I love babies and all but I'm only sixteen and what do I know about being a mother. I can't raise this baby by myself and even if I tell Xavier he might reject the baby or just take it from me.

"{Calm down Phoenix you'll be a great mom and as for Xavier he won't even know about our pup}"Snow said making me confused

"{What do you mean by he won't know?}" I asked her but before she could answer the doctor snapped her fingers in front of my face twice getting my full attention.

"Are you okay?" She asked

"Yeah I'm fine,I just don't know what I'm going to do" I replied honestly

"You know you could either get an abortion or put your baby up for adoption once you have given birth to him or her" She suggested

Was she really suggesting that I either kill my baby or give my baby to someone else but I have grown to love the baby inside of me over the couple of minutes that I have known I was pregnant. I really hope that Snow knows what she is doing for what I'm about to do

"Umm no its fine I have decided to keep the baby" I replied while getting off the bed I was on.

"Well I wish you all the best and good luck with everything" She called out as I made my way out the door

When I  arrived at the pack house I went straight to my room and just laid there on my bed thinking about what I had just discovered today,when all of a sudden I remembered what Snow had said and I asked her the same question I had asked when we were in the hospital

"{Well I was suggesting we run away tomorrow before everyone wakes up and before this situation of you getting beaten everyday gets out of hand and the pup gets hurt or something.}"

"{Yeah I guess your right. Well I better get to packing than}"I said as I stood up and began packing my stuff which was not a lot.

After packing everything I decided to write a letter letting everyone known that I was leaving and not to look for me, not that they would care.


I am finally leaving this sorry excuse of a pack,all I got here was pain and heartache for something that I know nothing of. How many times do I have to explain that I was a baby when the rouge attack took place,it's not my fault that my parents died wanting to protect me. Even my own siblings didn't love nor stand up for me, but instead they joined in with beating me up as the others do everyday and to me know the saddest part is that I still love and care for for them even if they turned on  me instead of helping me. As for my mate,oh sorry I mean ex-mate I have nothing to say to you excluding that you are going to regret ever rejecting me.

With lots of hate:
Phoenix Silver Storm

And with that done I went to bed and fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow letting darkness consume me.

The next day thanks to being an early riser I woke up at 5am, got everything I needed and jumped out of the window before anyone woke up and I ran and ran until I reached the pack border and looked back at where I grew up with everyone hating me and just three people loving me. '(Well, here we go)' I thought to myself.

"I Phoenix Silver Storm here by break my pack bond with the Star Luck pack and dedicate my life as a rouge until I find a new pack to call home" And with that said I felt my pack link break and I knew the others felt it as well due to the sudden sounds of howls that I can hear from here. '(Oh well)' I shrugged as I began running as fast as my two human legs can take me.

Jack's P.O.V

I woke up this morning with someone next to me and due to the scent I instantly knew who it was. Its Tiffany the pack's slut,we all know that she has slept with almost every guy here including my best friend and soon to be alpha but who's complaining she is good in bed.(sorry to all the Tiffany's out there)

I quickly got out of bed,got dressed and made my way down stairs for breakfast. When I got to the table I saw that everyone was there waiting for the food.

"What's going on? Why is the food not here yet? I asked particularly to no on in specific

"We are waiting for that idiotic sister of ours" My sister Jill answered

"What?why? She usually has the food ready and served by now" I said 

"We don't know so why don't you go check if she's up or not. I'm hungry" Xavier replied

I went upstairs to the attic which was her room and knocked on her door but there was no answer,I called out her name but still no answer. I open the door and her room was empty,no clothes, no pictures and no Phoenix but there was a letter on her 'bed'. What I read broke my heart and I instantly regretted what I did to my younger sister, the next thing I know is that I'm on the floor crying,I know it makes me look weak as the future beta but I don't care.

Xavier came into the room and asked why I was on the floor crying and I gave him the letter. I could see so many emotions flicker in his eyes but the two that stood out the most were the ones of pain and regret. A growl escaped his lips as he read the letter over and over again as if he could not comprehend what he was read.

Xavier's P.O.V


All these emotions I felt them all,I did feel someone's pack link break but I did not think that it would be Phoenix's pack link. How could she just leave like that, how could she just leave her family, friend, most importantly how could she just leave me like that. How could she, I mean yes I rejected her and yes she accepted but I'm still her mate and vice versa.

Its been over a week since Phoenix ran away and we are still looking for her. I told my parents everything about how the pack and I have treated Phoenix and how I'm her mate and how I rejected her. To say my parents were and still are angry and disappointed in me and the pack members would be an understatement, they are furious. They had me and the pack punished and now we all regret what we did to her and we just want her to come back, especially Milly and her parents, Phoenix was like their daughter and Milly's older sister they were very close. 

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