Chapter 7

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The next day we woke up early and the kids are excited to see Milly and her parents. I told them that Milly is my younger sister and her parents are my parents. Right now we are on our way to the Star Luck pack and I told Hunter I'll go to Milly's house and that I'll meet them the next day when we go to school and this year is my final year at school.

I was snapped out off my thoughts when the car came to a stop in front of a house oh wait that's Milly's house, finally we have arrived. I walked out of the car while Kate and Ben stayed behind and knocked on the front door when it opened to revealed Linda Milly's mother.

"Can I help you?" She asked looking at me than the car than me again

"Have I changed so much that you don't recognise me anymore?" I replied with a raised eyebrow

She open her mouth to say she didn't know me when realisation kicked in and her eyes began to get watery

"P-P-P-Phoenix?" She asked as a tear rolled down her face

"The one and only" I replied with a smile

But the thing she did next surprised me. I felt a stinging felling on my right check and that's when I realised she just slapped me

Holding my hand onto my check I asked "What was that for?"

"It is you" She mumbled and engulfed me in one of her bear hugs "oh and sorry for the slap I just wanted to be sure"she replied while pulling away with an innocent smile

"So you thought that slapping me was the only way?" I asked in disbelief

"What would you have done if your oldest daughter just ran away and came back after three years?" She said placing her hands on her hips and giving me the look that said 'don't you dare start with me'

"Okay okay I probably would have down the same thing and I am so very sorry about th, will you ever forgive me?" I asked hopefully and give her a puppy dog look knowing she won't resist and I was right

"Fine I forgive you but I want to know everything from why you ran to where you've been staying got it " She said sternly

"Aye aye captain" I replied while mocking salute

"Okay okay come in" She said laughing as she took a step for me to enter

"Wait I have two people who want to meet you,dad and Milly" I said

"Who are they" She asked tilting her head to the side confused and I just laughed at her reaction

"Kids" I called for them to get out of the car. And they both came running towards me and hide behind my legs as they saw her looking at them with so much love

"Awwwwe they are so cute. Who's kids are they?" She asked looking at them in awe

"Well....." I started "this is Katelyn and Benjamin my children and your grandkids" I said gesturing to the kids behind my legs

"Grandkids as in you had children?" She asked to which I just nodded

"Hey kids say hi to your grandma" I said and watched running towards Linda and repeatedly say grandma,grandma and we entered.

I told Linda and Paul (Milly's dad) everything from Xavier to me running away to finding my second mate and to having Katelyn and Benjamin but I did not say that Katelyn was not Hunter's biological daughter so they think she is. I asked if the kids could stay with them while I'm here and to say they were happy was an understatement mom was jumping up and down with joy and she went on to making cookies for them.

I asked about Milly since I have not seen her and they told me that she was still treated the same as I was so she won't be back until late at night and that just angered me even more. When I was still their slave I would always get double punishment since I would not allow them to touch Milly being my baby sis and all but now that I was not there they tortured her oh I am so going to get my revenge on them for hurting me and my baby sis.


Hunter's P.O.V

When we arrived at the pack house of the Star Luck pack there stood Xavier,Jack his beta and Phoenix's brother and Jill who was clinging to Xavier and I'm assuming that that's Phoenix's sister and there where a few move of his pack members and it took everything in me not to lunge at everyone and killing them for what they did to my mate

"{OUR mate}"Alec said (Alec is Hunter's wolf just in case you forgot)

"{Yeah yeah whatever}" I replied before blocking him out and walking out of the car and up to where they stood with my pack members behind me

"Hello I'm Alpha Xavier and this is my beta Jack and this is my gemma Jake and his mate lacy and this is my mate Jill" He said pointing to everyone as he introduced them one by one and I just stood there glaring at everyone and so did my pack members cause they know that this was the pack that caused their Luna so much pain.

"Well I'm Alpha Hunter and this is my beta Chris and these are my two warriors Tim and Tom and this is my second strongest warrior Lilly" I replied gesturing to everyone

"Wait!what? Your second strongest warrior is a girl?" He asked with a shock expression

"Yeah you have a problem with that?" I asked in a cold tone

"No no just shocked anyway weren't there supposed to be six of you and there are only five and I'm guessing the one that's not here is your strongest warrior" He said

"Had to take care of a few family issues" I replied in the same harsh tone. What? I can't help it not after what he did to Phoenix and just replaced her with her caked up face of a sister

"Oh okay do you know when he will arrive?" He asked

Wait did he just say he? I guess I did not make it clear the its actually a she and not a he. I was snapped out of my thoughts by the laughter of my pack members they must have been thinking the same thing as I was

"Why are they laughing?" Jill asked staring at my pack members as if they were crazy

I cleared my throat and that seemed to get there attention as they quickly said sorry

"I'm sorry but I think its because you said 'he' and not 'she' and don't worry She'll be here tomorrow before school" I replied

"Can you show us our rooms now cause it seems to be getting dark" Chris asked harshly because he also considers Phoenix as his other younger sister

"Sure just follow me" Jack replied

We were shown our room so we decided to just go to sleep after dinner and I must say it was hard to sleep without Phoenix here but i managed knowing that she was safe and that I would see her tomorrow.

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