Chapter 9

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Phoenix's P.O.V

"Milly over here is my younger sister and if any of you lay a finger on her starting from today you will regret it am I understood" I said let some of my authority seeping throw as they all bowed their heads at me muttering a 'yes ma'am'

"Good" Was all I said as I dragged Milly to my car and driving off to school

"Sorry miss but I'm new here so can I get my scheduled please" I asked the lady at the front office at school and unfortunately it has already started and I just know that we are going to get a scolding when we reach class

"Sure sweetheart just tell me your name and I will get it" She replied with a small smile on her lips

"Phoenix" I said

The lady disappeared into a room next to hers and came back a few minutes later handing me my scheduled and locker number

(Lunch break)                   Locker number: 35
4.English                            Code number   : 80851

My scheduled is the same as Milly's we have all our classes together. We walked towards our first class and when we opened the doors all heads snapped towards us and the teacher looked irritated that we interrupted his lesson

"Sorry sir for arriving late but my sister here is new so I had to take her to the office" Milly replied and the teacher smiled at me than at her telling her to take her sit which was in the back. Me likky

"Well miss Copper (Milly's surname)would you like to introduce yourself and tell a bit about yourself as well" The teacher asked and I just nodded facing the crowd in front of me

"Umm to start of you all probably know by now that Milly's my younger sister and my name is Phoenix and I'm into sports and art" I said

And went to sit down on a table besides Milly and I could feel eyes burning holes on one side of my face. I turn around to be met by wide brown eyes that belonged to my so called brother,I just kept my face blank from any emotion and turned back around towards the teacher. This is going to be a very long day I thought to my self

(Skip time. Lunch)

"Hey do you smell that?" Milly asked

"Smell what?what do you smell?" I asked confused

"I don't know but it smells great its like the smell of the woods after it rained mixed with the smell of pine cones" She replied dreamily and I knew exactly what it meant
It means that she found her mate

"Let's follow it" I said grinning like a fool

"I don't know its probably nothing and weren't you the one complaining about how hungry you are" She Said

"That was before you started smelling your mate's scent now follow it I want to meet him" I said pushing her forward while her eyes got bigger with realisation and she started following the scent and me behind her still grinning like the fool that I am 

"{Yes you are a fool now stop smiling like that people are going to think that you are a creep stalker or something}" Snow said snickering

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