Chapter 5

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"Alpha the girl is awake,but I must warn you she's a bit jumpy and scared and it seems as if she was abused at her pack and maybe that's why she ran away,she has scars and bruises all over her body and face"Emma said (the pack doctor)

"Alright I'll be there in less than 3 minutes" I replied

I started walking towards hospital and when I reached door the most intoxicating smell ever and it had my wolf Alec jumping for joy. It smelt like white lilies and white roses and that can only mean one thing,I have found my second chance mate.

Phoenix's P.O.V

Emma and I have been talking while we waited for her alpha to arrive and to say I was nervous was an understatement. While she was telling me that she was actually the beta's mate,an amazing smell hit me and it smelt better than Xavier's scent and that's when I realise that I have found my second chance mate.

"Oh no" I said mostly to myself but I sure Emma heard

"What's wrong?" Emma asked

"I think I found my second chance mate" I replied with a single tear drop running down my check

"That is great but why don't you seem happy about it?" She said

"How can I be happy when I know that his going to reject me" I said as tears start to wail up in my eyes

"But why would he do that?" She asked

"Who would want someone who is hated and rejected by her pack including her own family,who would love someone who was rejected than raped by her mate,who would love someone who is carrying someone else's baby. Huh? Tell me who?" I replied and by now tears were rolling down my checks uncontrollably and Emma held my tight in her embrace.

A loud growl as the door to my room flew open reviling the source of the intruder. Emma started rubbing soothing circles on my back as our heads slowly turned to the person and to our surprise it was non other than alpha Hunter standing there with an angry look and black eyes to show that his wolf was in control. He took slow and steady steps towards me and I on the other hand kept scooting backwards on the bed till my back touched the headboard of the bed.

"Just do it" I said as my voice waivers a little from the crying

He furrows his eyebrows in confusion "do what?"

"Reject me and get it over with" I replied as my voice croaked at the end

He growled at me saying "mine" before suffocating me with a big bear hug.

He pulled away tilting my head so that I was looking at him "I would never reject you pregnant or not but in this case pregnant"

Finally someone who will love and cherish me and my baby,I felt tears wail up in my eyes as I can see love and adornment in his eyes.

"Now can you stop crying so that I can know my beautiful mate's name?" He asked

I laughed a little wiping my tears away before replying "Phoenix, Phoenix Silver Moon"

"Wow lovely name Phoenix well my name is Hunter Willow Stone" He said picking me up bridle style walking out of the hospital after saying goodbye to Emma.

"Where are we going?" I asked

"Home, you need to eat,your to skinny for the health of my princess inside of you" He said in a dub tone as if the answer was oblivious to my question

"Wait a minute how do you know that its going to be a princess and not a prince?" I asked

He smirked and looked down at me "I just know besides I'm the dad of course I would know"

"Well I would like to disagree I think its a boy" I stated

"Okay how about a bet" He suggested

"Sure whats the bet about?" I asked

"Well if the baby turns out to be a girl you will give me massages for free and if the baby is a boy I will......."He was about to give me an answer but I beat him towards it

"-make me food for the next month and what ever food I want" I finished for him




Hunter's P.O.V

It turned out that I was correct to say the baby was a girl so I get free massages but I don't think she minds. Its been 5 months into her pregnancy and she is ready to pop anytime and I can't wait to hold my princess in my arms and surprisingly my wolf Alec is eager too and he has already accepted the baby as his and only his. He wanted To go and kill the alpha of the Star Luck pack for what he did to our mate and I couldn't have agreed any more with him but Phoenix stopped us.

Phoenix and I have move out of the pack house and moved into a family home next to the pack house. Right now I just came from the pack house.

"Phoe, honey where are you" I asked while entering the living room

"Kitchen and can you come here please I need your help" She replied

I walked into the kitchen and Phoenix is on a high chair in the kitchen trying to reach the high cabinet that I am guessing has simba chips in then she almost fell when I caught her and placed her on her feet gently

"What were you thinking you could've gotten hurt "I scolded

"I just wanted some chips and ice cream " She replied with a pout

"Fine I'll get you the chips and ice cream just go sit down in the living room" I said

"Okay" She replied than teleported to the living room

We just found out that Phoenix is an elemental and can control the elements such as fire water earth and air. Oh and she can teleport and levitate things. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Phoenix shouting my name,I dropped everything and ran to the living room and there stood Phoenix in a puddle full of water

"I think my water just broke"she sounded panicked

"Okay baby I need you to just breath in and out. I'll get you to the hospital.

And that's how Katelyn Silver Stone was born





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