Chapter 4

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Phoenix's P.O.V

I have been running for a little over a week now and I have stopped for some food and rest at a certain town but I knew for a fact that this was a wolf town and I had to keep moving. I was now in the woods when suddenly I heard a sound of breaking bones.


I screamed in agony and I can feel my spine twist and break and than came along my other bones, breaking and repositioning themselves the pain was so unbearable. I closed my eyes waiting for it to pass and a few hours later it did. I opened my eyes so see that I was standing on all fours and my paws were covered in white fur. Wait... white fur?

"{Snow why do I have white fur? I thought that only the moon goddess and her children had white fur?}" I asked, really confused.

"{That's because you are the moon goddess's daughter, look I'll explain everything later right now what you need to do is look at yourself in that pond over there than shift back, I can hear multiple wolf paws coming our way}" She replied

I did as told and what I saw was mind blowing,I had white fur all over and my sides had black markings on then and my forehead had a tattoo like similar to a tiara on it.

"{Snow how do I shift back?}"I asked

"{Just think of your human self}"She responded

"{But won't I be naked?}"I asked

"{Just think of some clothes and they will appear}" She replied

I do as told and thought of my human self covered with a long strapless blue dress on. And as soon as I'm done I heard a loud threating growl and turn to my right I saw two good looking boys standing there ready to kill. One had brown curly hair and brown eyes by the strong power emitting from him you could tell he is a beta. The other one had blonde hair and bright yellow eyes and by the power emitting from him, although not as strong and powerful as the first guy, you could tell he is the gamma.

"What are you doing on our pack lands rouge?" brown eyes asked

"I mean you no harm I was just passing by please do me no harm" I pleaded

"We will have to take you to our alpha he will decide what to do with you. Now you have to come with us" yellow eyes said

"Okay" I agreed. I don't want anything to happen to me I have a baby to protect.

"Umm, excuse me but what pack is this?" I asked a little sacred of the answer

"The Shadow Claw pack" brown eyes said with pride in his eyes

My eyes widen and I stopped moving. The Shadow Claw pack is the strongest pack in the world. Rumour has it that the alpha is ruthless and heartless. What if he decides to just get rid of me. With out even realising it I was holding in my breath until black dots to cloud my vision and than the next thing I know I passed out.


Ughh that sound is so irritating can someone just switch it off. Please I feel like my ears are about to burst anytime soon if that beeping sound does not stop. I slowly opened my eyes and look around the room that I was in, it was white and it smelt like medication. Oh my word an I in the hospital? Is my pup fine? Please please tell me my pup is fine. I thought to myself

"{Phoenix calm down and yes your in the hospital because you black out and yes the pup is fine just chill}" Snow answered my questions and I instantly calmed down

"Ahh I see your finally awake how are you feeling?" Asked a woman with blonde hair and bright warm green eyes.

"Umm yes I fine" I replied with a small smile

She smiled back but than she gave me a worried look

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you leave you pack?" She asked and her question took me by surprise but I did not want to dwell on the past and thinking of it brought tears to my eyes

"Please I don't want to talk about it " I pleaded as a tear rolled down my check and I wiped it before more could follow.

"Its okay I won't force you to tell me if you don't want to but my alpha won't be so understanding" She said looking at the charts that she's holding

I just nodded my head and looked at her before she looked at me and ordered a nurse to bring food for me

"Well every thing seems to be alright but you are too skinny for a pregnant woman and you have to eat" She said as the nurse brought a tray full of fruits and vegetables

I only nodded my head and began eating and once I was done I could feel my baby jumping for joy that he or she got food and good food for that matter. As an alpha pup he or she will be born within 5-6 months. the doctor tells me that her alpha is on his way and that he'll be here any time soon so I asked her if she could stay with me while her alpha was busy interrogating me and she agreed.

Hunter's P.O.V

Hi my name is Hunter Willow Stone and I'm the alpha of the Shadow Claw pack and yeah yeah i know the rumours going around saying that I'm heartless and ruthless, but hey you don't become the best of the best by just being nice. To tell you the truth though I'm not heartless and ruthless but I guess only my family,friends and pack members know that. Anyway I'm 17 years old and I have jet black hair,electric bright blue eyes and I don't mean to brag or anything but I have a pretty slick body I mean 8 pack and all.

I know,I know how come I have not found my mate yet well i did four years ago but she rejected me saying that she was in love with some human and that she will not leave him for me.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by my beta Chris mind linking me

'Hunter we found a rouge in the pack territory, its a she-wolf, she doesn't seem to be a threat"

"We can never be to sure so bring her to my office and than we'll see what to do"I replied

"On our way alpha"he said before cutting the link

Oh how I hate rouges, they're the reason why my parents are not here with me today. They died during a rouge attack. At the back of my mind I felt someone trying to link me and when I opened the link and this time it was my gamma John.

"Hunter the girl fell unconscious and by the looks of it, she's been abused or something. We'll take her to the pack doctor so you'll see her there"

"Okay just let the doctor mind link me when she's awake" I replied

"Yes alpha" he replied 



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