Chapter 19

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I carefully put Tommy in a more comfortable position, taking off his mask and letting him sleep. I will let you all get back to the story, I am sorry for the inconvenience.

Jon's POV-
I went back to check on him. He was asleep, and his mask was off, he had tear stains running down his cheeks. The sun had gone down and we were all about to go to sleep, I found a comfortable branch and fell asleep. I woke up to movement beneath me. I stayed quiet and looked down. They have already packed, but they seem to be looking for something. Then it hit me, I was hidden behind the canopy. I smiled slightly before jumping down, trying my best to not make a sound. I sneaked up behind Nick, smirking. "BOO!" I yelled. "AHH!" he yelled, turning around, his hand was glowing orange, he punched me and I ended up back in the tree. "How did you- What the-" I started before making confused noises. He just looked at me with both annoyance, amusement, and confusion. "Don't ask me, this hasn't ever happened before," he said. I thought for a moment. I jumped down, grabbed him, and then brought him to a spot in the tree that no one could see us. "What the heck Jon?" he asked. "I think I know what happened. But I kinda need to go into your soul," I said. He just sighed and looked at me with "Let's get this over with" look. I put my hands on his temples and closed my eyes, concentrating. Then, we were both in a dark room. I saw him, he had put up the strongest fight, I was right. "Well, look who it is. You've grown," the man said from inside of the orange heart. "Who's that, Jon?" Nick asked. "That's my uncle Q," I told him, starting to explain why he was there. (You know what usually happens.) "Is it okay that I let him out?" I asked Nick, I didn't want to do it against the new possessors wishes. "Of course," he said, smiling. I walked up to the heart and touched it with my hand glowing a soft green. Uncle Q stood there smiling, he ruffled my hair and laughed. "You two should get back, your friends are probably worried." He waved goodbye and we were back in reality. I helped him down the tree and we walked and tapped Ashlie on the shoulder, she had seemed worried. She jumped and turned around with a yellow gun in her hand. "Really you guys? Where were you?" She put he gun away. "Busy," Nick said, flashing the orange glow slightly as a hint. "Ohhhhh," she responded, understanding what happened. We all grabbed our stuff and started to head to Nick's house. We had agreed that since this didn't go as planned that we would have a sleepover. When we all got there we put our stuff down and got comfortable, this is gonna be fun.

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