Do you belive me?

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"Come back Ty~" the tallest of the four men standing in the middle of the street said clutching his axe .

"Jason~ come out and play!" the one standing near the axe wielding man was standing holding his own axe.

Me and Jason were still being pulled around by a guy wearing the blood red cloak.

"Who are you" I say whispering.

The then pulled us through a alleyway

( everything happens in an alleyway like, what the fluff!)

He let us go and pointed behind a pile of boxes.

We his behind the wall of worn out cardboard cubes.(ehehe)

Jason grabs my hand and lightly squeezed it. I could tell he was scared is I did not really care, although he threatened to kill me.

The cloaked man gave me a glittery pouch of... something.

And then I could see his mouth was covered by a mask? ( idek)

He took of his hood and his dark brown locks of hair bounced around in the mild winds that came though the alleyway.

Footsteps that were once loudly following us disappeared in the distance along with the mimicking voices.

"I'm your 'knight', that's who I am"


"What do you mean" I take my hand away from Jason who is now a little more calm but still startled (lol)

" I've been looking out for you these past years and you seem to have changed ever since that guy came along, and your feelings for him have changed dramatically from loving him to hating him to forgiving to hating to loving ect your thoughts count too" he said looking through his cloaks inner pockets. " And wishes"

"Okay...?" I say a little awkwardly.

I don't even known this guy!

" Your feelings and thoughts have drastically changed causing your surroundings to change with your feelings."

He takes the bag he handed to me earlier and takes some if the pouch back.

" so... I am like your advisor, kinda of, for... let's see ..hmm... the rest of your life!"

He says dumping the sparkle whatever's over my head.

"What do my feeling and thoughts have to do with the world?" I say

"Well if I told you it would no be a surprise!" he says

" He hates surprises" Jason says looking at the ground

" Your kind has the power to control what surrounds them with there wishes, thoughts, and feelings"

'So did Adam really love me or was I controlling him with my feelings ?'

"So their are others?" I ask

"Yes only a chosen few" he answer looking through a book.

"You have a very special power that many know and want to control and most of your kind are in a isolated area in the mountains" he says reading a page quickly

"Yeah right he would have at least remembered that!"Jason said crossing his arms.

"Actually my memories are... sort of blurry..." I say.

They really are no matter what I try trying to remember something is hard for me.

"Do you believe me?" he says wiping off some of the glittery stuff out of my hair.

"Well it depends if there is evidence that my feelings can cause something around me to change"

He smiles and turns to Jason almost like he's reading his mind.

" Your friend there is trouble" he pointed at Jason.

Jason looks up

"Yup he's a bad one" Jason looked hurt

"Wither Hybrid I know how you can get if you do not control your self, having two other feeling bombard your own is really hard to control. I'm amazed how far you've gone with out destroying this city"Jason then immediately looks away.

"Well let me at least introduce my self"

The 'knight' says.

Bowing down he then unmasking himself.

" I am Seto, your loyal knight, Advisor,and Sorcerer, prince of the Far East Titan lands, Tyler lox"


Yay Ty is prince!

( again)

Any questions no?



(• 3 •)^

Lets continue another of my sucky stories!!!

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