Chapter 5: Strangers in the Night

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It has been an hour since I reached home. I desperately wanted to meet him and apologize to him. Maybe that can explain why I'm finding excuses to get out of my house. Nonetheless, I didn't have the luck to see him. I gave up on this and made my way to the terrace in search of some peace. Speaking of which, the stars have always been those which have fascinated me. They are-


I got startled but recovered quickly only to be greeted with the most beautiful face I have ever seen.

"Ohh hey!"

"What are you doing here?"

"Well I could ask you the same thing"

"Okay, I guess you don't know that I come here every day. I can maybe say that this is my 'ME' time"

"Oh Okay, then I think it would be better if I would leave. I don't want to ruin your 'ME' time "

It took me a lot to say those words. I was actually hoping to spend some time with him and get to know him.

"No No it's okay I don't mind it, especially seeing that we couldn't converse much today as I hoped to."

Did he want to converse with me in the first place? Ohh, by the way, I should apologize right away, it's the perfect time for it.

"Hmm.. Speaking of which, I want to apologize for ignoring you at the cafe today. I'm so sorry! Trust me when I say that it was not at all intentional."

"Hey! It's completely alright. I understand how much he might have meant to you........ Umm was he like your boyfriend or something?"

What even?!


I couldn't help but laugh at that thought

"Nikhil, I mean that guy, is my best friend. Like basically he is my best friend since my childhood, in fact, all the three of us. Nithya is a little shy type so she doesn't portray her emotions like me but I bet my life even she would have wanted to react like me. But Nikhil and I were more close so I went a little overboard I guess. He actually moved to New York 2 years ago and didn't meet or speak to me until yesterday. So I hope it justifies my reaction "

"Oh sorry I didn't know that"


"It's okay..... So tell me something about yourself"

"Honestly, there is absolutely nothing to tell about myself. I'm not much of a social person. I live in my own world. The only thing I have to tell about myself is my undying love for words. It really fascinates me how just 26 letters put together in different combinations make your life basically. How a word spoken out of love can make your day while another can destroy it. How a word holds the power to affect your mind and your feelings. How it can express all those weird things you feel and think about. Just wow! And when these words are said in the form of lyrics put together with a beautiful tune, they can express all of you to all of me. Beautiful!"

I think I have fallen in love with him. He didn't realize but he spoke for a long time expressing all his thoughts to me, moving his hands here and there all this while looking me in the eye. I just love his eyes, and right now I would have loved to capture him in a picture but I felt that it was completely unnecessary. The sparkle in his eyes had already caught my heart and had painted itself beautifully inside me. No, it's not just a crush anymore. Maybe I still didn't fall in love but I'm sure that whatever is between us is not just mere attraction or infatuation. It was an unexplainable bond which was soon to be turned into love.

"Umm Aarushi? What happened? Why aren't you saying anything? Ohh wait, I think I just spoke a little too much and creeped you out, is it?"

"No! Not at all. I totally understood what you just spoke. And honestly, even though I never thought about it, I must say I'm quite impressed with your thoughts. So are you into music as well?"

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