03| d a t i n g

193 18 68

"And if the sky should ever die.
We'd make our own light,
You and I."
~John Mark Green


Her ears picks up indistinct chatter downstairs, her uncle was arguing with someone by the looks of things. It was even too early to wake up angry and she didn't understand that whole 'woke up on the wrong side of the bed' saying until now.

She sluggishly stalks down the small steps where he stood with him, a man clad in a dress shirt buttoned half hazardous and jeans that made him appear more casual, with ruffled chocolate hair and grey eyes and—

her heart stops— sings and jumpstarts all over again, what was he doing here?

He looked so relaxed next to her fuming uncle. His eyes caught onto hers and they immediately soften with a child like glint beneath his gaze she found nostalgic. Sade follows his gaze to his niece frozen behind the two of them.

Her pink night gown swayed, silky fabric brushing up against her thighs as she takes cautious steps towards them.

"What's going on?"

Sade seethes, his sharp gaze tearing through the distance between his niece and Pierce. "Nothing. This boy is leaving immediately."

Pierce pays him no attention, too entranced by Funmi and seeing her— actually seeing her under the soft glow of the lighting. The stars are aligning again, she's in the sights of an angel.

"I came to see you and I can understand it's going to be hard for your uncle to agree to that since I dropped you off that day." He pauses, saying mostly to himself. "not that it was a great first impression."

Her body heats all over, is this excitement. "You came to see me."

"Did you plan this?" Sade shields her from view and points an accusatory finger her way. "Both of you are—"

"It is nothing like that." She holds both hands up, stealing a glance at Pierce who shifts his attention to her uncle and then back to her.

He licked his lips, sensing her uneasiness. "I'm not here to cause any trouble." He pulled the coat she'd forgotten from his shoulder and a sheet of paper. "You left this behind and my manager asked me to get your signature to show that it's been delivered to you."

Another punch to the gut. She'd hoped he was here for her— actually here for her. She swallows down her disappointment.

"Of course."

"I just want to clear some things up—" he looked towards Sade who wasn't buying anything he said. "I work at the pub down that corner by the pastel green house and she came in for the act. We got carried away and right now we're honestly just trying to deal with it like adults."

"A pub." Sade repeats. Pierce senses that familiar fear roll off Funmi. "I'll deal with you later."

"I'm sorry." She tries weakly but he ignores her.

He turns his attention to Pierce, jabbing a finger at the taller man. "After today I better not see you around here or her— not even by accident."

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