15| s t r a n g e r s

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   The air was crisp.

   And the gentle breeze carried a subtle silence that she couldn't bear. It made her ears feel impaired- under water, drowning.

   And with the gentle pats, flowers and condolences she constantly got, this was it. Nothing could change what happened and no one would understand.

   The knowledge of the body gone and the soul dispersing into world was heart aching, a completely uncomfortable feeling no words would be able to describe it to its fullest.

   Loss claws at your chest and tears apart every other feeling. The cold hard floor met her knees, the impact stung but nothing could match the pain that wrung her heart severely.

   Her eyes watered as her mouth hung open with no sound to escape. But what would she scream? It felt so unreal to look at him laying lifeless on the ground.

  Crying eyes dull and void of the light he just had. The light she was getting used to seeing.

   "Pierce-" she choked.

   Funmi let her fingers dance on the letters carved in the gravestone on the ceramic etched in the wet soil. The eerie feeling that settled within wouldn't seem to go away and she hated it.

She hated coming back here, she hated crying so much for him even after months had passed. Things felt like they were yesterday, she'd still talk in her sleep, reminisce the old memories her tears couldn't wash away- it didn't seem fair, it wasn't fair.

She gently placed the flowers down, the daffodils reminded her of the times he'd bring them to her every time he tried to apologise. She said a silent prayer on behalf of the man she had grown accustomed to, for the man she loved.

It had been months since his passing, she didn't want to break down again and again and feel even more helpless. That wouldn't be what he wanted for her.

The emotions hit her all at once, a trail of sorrow and regret fell down her face in form of salt and fluid.

If she could turn back time...

A firm hand wraps around her trembling form crounched by his resting place, the warmth radiated through her coat as she sniffled. "It's okay." He said, despite his condition, he placed her on her feet, making eye contact with her brown eyes and tear stricken face. "You have me."

   Her sob racked through her body, shaking her limbs. "I can't do this without him."

   It seemed like they fought more than they loved and it broke her heart into a million pieces. She relished staying like this in his arms because it reminded her of him- remnants of him left in the world and for just this moment she wants to pretend that it is him.

    "I'm grieving too." His voice cracks. "And seeing you like this doesn't help me." He held her tighter as she cried into him. "I should've done more as a brother."

    She shakes her head softly, desperately wiping her eyes as she craned her neck, eyes avoiding looking at his resting place with everything in her. "You did everything. And you were more than a brother-" she choked, steadying her breathing. "Edmund you were the best gift- a rock Pierce really needed when I wasn't there so don't say that."

    She hugged her coat tighter hating the smell of coffee and vanilla that lingered on Edmund's skin, it sunk her deeper and her mind played tricks on her.

    He's gone.

   He's gone so just stop.

   "Pierce would rather die than let anything happen to you or Eric so don't think much on why he did what he did." Edmund's voice was hard as he gazed down at the flowers, features strained. "Don't think about the fighting or the things he did wrong. Just remember him as he was."

   A tear slipped before she could stop it as she willed herself to compose her pained heart. "I know." She choked.

   "It's going to be okay." His hand draped over her shoulders as she bit her lip enough to draw blood, trying desperately to stop the tears.

    Her only consolation, a teething younger more quiet version of his father back at home with Danielle. She exhaled softly as she held Edmund's hand as they walked out of the graveyard.

   "It's visiting day next week at the count-"

   "He can rot." She spat, soft features contorting into a scowl and Edmund doesn't say anything. "Don't- don't bring him up please."

    Edmund nodded, his long strides slowing as they reached the gates, turning into the street as they approached the bus stop.

   The weather was changing, the sun peeked from behind the clouds as she slowed her steps to marvel at the warmth even for a little bit. It envelopes her like an embrace and the fog over her head dissipates.

   Her lip quirked slightly and her free hand outstretches to touch the sun, the light she'd seen in Pierce's eyes even if for a moment- just a glimpse and all the cold she felt inside seemed to vanish and she breathed in.

   "I'll miss the flowers." She whispered at the blazing star in the sky.

   Edmund made himself comfortable, hands nestled in his pockets as she sat next to him. A small smile probing his lips. "And this is the part where he says he'll miss you."

   A soft scoff passed her lips and Edmund let's out a small laugh. "He really had no game."

  Her shoulders shake from the laughter fleeting her lips and a stray tear slips. A man and woman, white and black seated across town with red rimmed eyes laughing into the wind without a care as people looked their way.

   They wanted to stay like this, hold onto this feeling with everything they had because it's been a while and they've craved the airy feeling of letting go, the lightness of acceptance and the consuming happiness.

   It's been a while since they laughed.


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