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"And if the sky should ever die.
We'd make our own light,
You and I."
~John Mark Green

   "What do you mean it's none of my business!" She grabs another plate, throwing it down. The unbearable shatter of the fine ceramic colliding with the hardwood floors of the kitchen resonates in the space. She can see the fire in his eyes and she mimics that with a furious inferno on her own. At this rate they'll devour each other with only the shards of fine china as remnants of a hurricane.

    "How daft can you be?" Funmi raged, her breathing ragged.

    Sade was calm, way too calm and she hated it. How could he do this to his own flesh and blood? Make her worry over him like he were a child.

    "I won't ask you again to lower your voice." He seethes, voice calm but the rigid posture giving away his vexation.

     "Why?" She choked on her laughter. "You don't want your neighbours to hear about Mary and Sade-"

     He moves so fast towards her, she swears he was going to hit her and she silenced herself. Only the look of pure hate resided in his gaze and she faltered. "Not another word." He breathes. "Not a single word from your dirty mouth."

     Agitated, his fingers shake violently. He moves away and she feels like she can breathe again, furiously taking in air to calm her lungs that felt like sandpaper.

    "You're a liar." She says. "You're a liar and a swindler-"

    "I don't want to hear any of this anymore or you won't like me."

     I already don't like you.

    He moves around her to brew coffee for himself. He clanks mugs and silverware roughly despite working calmly as he motions for her to sit. "Sit down, we can discuss that your nonsense over breakfast."

    "Stop playing with me! There's nothing to discuss and the nonsense you're talking of will soon end." She watched his reaction carefully, rough hands gripping the counter tops tightly to hold back the anger. "You're letting Pierce pay your debt when you know that we are managing." Her voice shook as she spoke.

    "It was a generous offer." He begins but Funmi waved her hand dismissively.

     "Tah! That's a lie- that's a bloody lie from the pit of hell." She hisses. "You're evil."

     "And you're a whore! You spread your legs for the first person you interact with and say it's love. You're a disgrace." He spat. "Everything was simple before you came. It's obvious the good I've done by taking you in is-"

     She blew out a breathy laugh. "You're a 419." She listed. "You manipulate your own family, you're selfish, inconsiderate-" She looks at him head on, "You're the disgrace."

     Sade went rigid, shaky fingers massaged his temples severely. A sigh leaves his lips. "You've forgotten your roots and it shows."

    "You're a hypocrite. The only reason why you can't stand white people is because a woman broke your heart!" Uncle was shocked by her revelation but didn't say anything to counter it. "Now tell me, are you a man?" She challenged. She was testing the waters, filing him up to make him feel what she felt. "You were in love with a married woman- not just any woman, a rich married woman that you couldn't satisfy-"

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