07| d i n n e r

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"And if the sky should ever die.
We'd make our own light,
You and I."
~John Mark Green


June 7th, 1971

She thought her uncle would hate her. A lot of people would if they were in his shoes. For the past month he's been sending letters and the daffodils she loves so much to her doorstep.

Strange how he'd hated Pierce but was attentive enough to know what kinds of gifts that made her happy.

Every letter held something thoughtful, sometimes they held disappointment and she could imagine him slouched over the kitchen counter writing those letters with the remnants of his anger.

As much as she wants to stay away for a while she couldn't deny the fact that Sade loved her and truth be told she missed him too.

Pierce didn't let her write back though. He was afraid she'd leave or her uncle would lure her and trap her in his home. They weren't on good terms, they weren't friends and he always got in the way.

Sade was all Funmi thought about on most days and sometimes guilt would gnaw at her to the point she was tempted to place a call to his house phone. But she didn't want to make Pierce angry or insecure.

She knows how it feels to be on that end.

Sometimes she wondered how life would've been if she kept being the good girl everyone wanted her to be. But that limits her imagination and young mind, doesn't it.

The soft breeze of spring blows into her face, the faint smell of beautiful flowers drifts into her nostrils. She loves spring because now the sun didn't hide behind dull grey clouds. She could feel the warmth of its glow and it felt nice.

Her hand nestles in Pierce's large palm as he pulled her along the narrow streets leading to his work place. She doesn't like the things she sees on the way and it makes her wonder what changed in the little time she had come here.

Funmi clings to Pierce's arm as they walk by a group of men and Pierce drapes his arm around her shoulder protectively.

She feels she could finally breathe again getting to their destination finally. The scenery made her question her Pierce's safety, how he'd manage to come home to her unharmed, she didn't know but she was glad he decided to let his job go.

"You should've left sooner." She finds herself saying.

They round a corner, stepping into the dimly lit pub. "Why did I agree to come with you again?" Before now the atmosphere wasn't so thick, the scenery before her contrasted greatly to the soothing music and friendly atmosphere of earlier.  

"Because you're an adventurer. Or do we need to reenact our meeting?" His jolly attitude makes her frown disperse and she shoos him along.

"Just hurry up."

"I know I know. You know I haven't fixed the telephone yet. I have to quit in person. It'll be quick okay?" Pierce reassures her.

It's not like he liked coming here but the money was enough for bills and every other thing they needed. Some days were close calls, he'd get mugged, sometimes would get threatened but as much he loved Funmi he wouldn't tell her that, she didn't need to worry.

She sits at the bar as Pierce disappears into the back room. She plays with her coat buttons while she waiting patiently.

"You're shitting me Maurice." Alex said gruffly. Pierce folds his arms, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows as he discards his coat on the seat Alex had offered him.

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