Chapter 1

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Authors note 

Hey my lovelies,

    I have been wokring on this for a few days now and have 5 chapters done already. I just want to see what you guys think of this new story I am working on. If i get any 1D facts wrong please do tell me. Also please do leave comments and maybe even vote? :) Anyhow you guys go on and read .

- Julia

Chapter 1

“I remember tears str-” I was cut off by the yelling of other students. The school was much nosier today and normally the room I practice is in a quiet area. Unfortunately today wasn’t one of those days, more like this week though. At the start of the week the headmaster of the boarding school told us that the famous Simon Cowell was coming today to find his next big star or stars. Everyone wanted to be the one he chose, honestly even I wanted to be chosen but in this school full of talent I wasn’t going to be chosen.

  Maybe I should introduce myself to you. My name is Juliet Carter; I’m seventeen years old and go to an elite boarding school for the musically talented. It was a school in Australia, hidden in the depths of a forest was the school. I happened to go here because I was musically talented but I didn’t think I was. I had entered the school for singing but I also played the piano and guitar. Anyhow back to the story.

The halls started to clear and the sound of students yelling had finally come to a whisper in a way. Gliding my fingers across the keys and began to get lost into the sound of the keys.

“I remember tears streaming down your face

When I said "I'll never let you go"

When all those shadows almost killed your light

I remember you said "Don't leave me here alone"

But all that's dead and gone and past tonight.
Just close your eyes

The sun is going down

You'll be alright

No one can hurt you now C

Come morning light

You and I'll be safe and sound
don’t you dare look out your window

Darling everything's on fire
The war outside our door keeps raging on

Hold on to this lullaby

Even when the music's gone gone
Just close your eyes

The sun is going down

You'll be alright

No one can hurt you now

Come morning light

 You and I'll be safe and sound
Just close your eyes

You'll be alright

Come morning light

You and I'll be safe and sound” my hands glided across the keys until I played the last key.

“Julie come on they are about to announce the winner!” Ericka said as soon as she opened the doors to the music room. I laughed at her before getting up and fallowing behind her laughing.

“This is just so exciting” Ericka squealed “Having the famous Simon Cowell in our school! Looking for talent!” she squealed again.  Ericka grabbed my hand and began dragging me down the halls until we reached the auditorium but even then she still dragged me along to sit next to her. Students were filling in numbers but the majority of the school was already in the big room.

“Settle down everyone” Our principal or headmaster if you want to call said “Thank you” he cleared his throat “You have all worked hard on your auditions but only one” he emphasized one with his finger “Only one will be giving the recording contract and a chance to work with Simon Cowell” he said motioning to Simon Cowell as he said his name

“Please give a round of applause for the one and only Simon Cowell” he said, everyone starting clapping as Simon stood up and walked up the podium.

“Hello everyone. I have had the pleasure to hear all of you talented students but I have chose one student. One student who had stuck out to me and seemed to have everything I am looking for” he paused “Can I have Juliet Carter come up here” my eyes widened with shock. I didn’t even try out and I wasn’t star material. I was a dork with big glasses, has hearing aids, keeps her hair up in a bun and I wasn’t pretty nor a good singer. Ericka hit my side making me jolt back into reality. Standing up I started walking to the podium. I was so nervous, so awkward. I could barely stand up or look at anyone; I only starred at the ground.

“How could you want her!” someone yelled

“She’s not even talented!” someone else yelled

“She’s just a scholarship student there’s nothing special about her” someone yelled

“She’s ugly and not star material!” another person yelled, I felt tears come into my eyes

“Well when she is a big star you all will regret what you are saying. Out of all the people I have heard today she was the best so shut up” Simon said.

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