Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

“I’m really sorry Juliet” Harry said as he held his cup with both hands. Currently we were at Starbucks and Ericka had taken the other boys somewhere, where of I am not sure. But wherever they had gone it left Harry and I alone at a table in Starbucks. Really awkward if I do say so myself but now here I was sitting across from Harry in the back of Starbucks.

“I was wasted and I didn’t mean to kiss you or attack you like I did” Harry said looking me in the eyes but his eyes screamed of how upset he was for doing that to me.

“It’s okay” I said softly before taking a sip of my chocolate frap

“No its not I feel terrible for what I did” Harry paused “Let me make it up to you” he said

“Make it up to me” I looked up at him like he was crazy

“Yes, let me take you out to dinner tonight my treat” he said giving me a small smirk

“Okay but this isn’t a date” I said, not quite sure where this confidence boost came from. Getting up I took my drink in one hand while I used the other hand to put my bag on my shoulder. I was about to open the door when I felt a hand pull me back.

“I never said what time” Harry said smirking, I was getting angry now

“Pick me up at 6” I said before getting out of his grasp and walking out of the store.

Ericka’s POV

“I wonder what’s happening” Liam said as we watched television at Louis’s apartment

“Hopefully nothing bad” I said taking a sip of my tea

“Harry better apologize then hurry back I already miss him” Louis said pouting while he hugged the pillow in his lap.

“Oh Julies calling” I said as my cell vibrated. Taking my cell out of my pocket I pressed talk and put it against my ear

“Hey there” I said

“I can’t believe you did that” Julie said I let out a small laugh

“Well I had to get you two alone you both obviously like each other” I said, the guys all looked at me

“Quite” I mouthed to them, Niall just kept on eating his crisps while Louis made faces and everyone else was looking at me intently except Zayn who wasn’t in the room at the moment

“I could never date him, he’s a player and dates women ten times older than him plus he’s a manwhore” Juliet said, I knew she liked him though even if he was all the things she said

“Oh we both know you like him” I said rolling my eyes at her

“But I would never date him unless he stopped” she said

“I have to eat dinner with him tonight” she grumbled into the phone

“WHAT?!” I screamed into the phone causing the guys to all say ‘Ow my ears’ or something along the lines of that

“He said he wanted to make it up for me so he’s taking me to dinner, ugh” she said into the phone, I squealed into the phone

“Oh my gosh are you at the hotel? I’m going there now we need to pick you out an outfit” I squealed into the phone before she could say anything I hung up.

“I got to go guys Harry and Juliet are getting dinner together tonight so I must help her prepare” I squealed as I put the cup of tea down before I ran out of the apartment.

Authors Note

Hey so I know this is short but I wanted the whole dinner thing in a seprate chapter but anyways tell me what you guys think and please do vote!

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