Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

“Wakey wakey rise and shaky” I yelled as I jumped onto a sleeping Ericka. She groaned loudly as I jumped on top of her.

“What the” she yelled

“Get up lazy we have to be at the studio in an hour” I said getting off of her

“An hour?!” Ericka yelled before jumping out of the bed

“Yup and we have an interview today but we have stylist so it’s doesn’t really matter what we look like right now” I said shrugging “Well actually you only have 30 minutes since it takes awhile to get to the studio” I paused “And you still need to eat” I said as I bounced on the bed

“Ugh” Ericka said before disappearing into the bathroom, suddenly my cell started going off. Reaching over to the nightstand I grabbed my phone only to see it was a text from Liam.

Hey so the guys and I were wondering if Ericka and you wanted to come over and join our Harry Potter movie marathon. We hope you guys come. Liam.

Hey! Sure we would love to :) what time? Juliet.

Around 7ish? Liam.

Okay. See you guys then. Juliet

“Ericka!” I yelled

“I’m finished come on” she said walking out of the bathroom.

Studio Dressing Room

Ericka and I were sitting in these fold up chairs already dressed just getting our hair and makeup done. Ericka was dressed in a ice blossom pastel floral dress with tan heals. I on the other hand was wearing a lace flared bodice dress with matiko echo heals.(link at the bottom if you want to see the outfit)

“Finished” Aaron our stylist said as he finished, looking in the mirror I couldn’t help but stare. Every time I get my hair and makeup done I can’t help but stare because I feel so beautiful and I don’t really feel like that often. My long brown hair was mostly straightened but some of it was wavy while my makeup was done just perfectly.

“We look amazing” Ericka squealed, looking at her she did look amazing. Her light brown hair was in lose curls and her makeup was done perfectly.

“Girls it’s time to go on” the producer said


“I’m here with Ericka and Juliet the newest stars who everyone is talking about, hello girls how are you two today” the interview said

“We are doing good and you?” I asked smiling so was Ericka

“I’m good thank you” the interviewer smiled “So we have heard some interesting news about you Juliet” the interviewer said

“Really” I said biting my lip; I knew exactly what he was talking about

“Is it true you and Harry Styles went out on a dinner date the other day?” he asked

“It wasn’t a date we just went to dinner as friends” I said

“Well now that that’s cleared up we want to know the dish about you two” he said, Ericka and I both look at each other we were both nervous

“So it’s been said that you two have been spending a lot of time with the Direction boys, fancy any of them?” he asked

“Nope” I said popping the ‘p’

“Maybe” Ericka said biting her lip

“Oh really? Would this happen to be a certain Irish fellow?” he paused “We all know about your date to the park” he said smirking at us, Ericka bit her lip and blushed

“So are you two dating yet?” he asked

“No it was just one date” Ericka said, but I knew she wanted so much for them to be an item

“Well anyways we want to know about both of yours dating life” he paused “Are you both still virgins?” he asked

“Yes” Erick and I said at the same time which caused us to laugh

“How about past boyfriends?” he asked

“I’ve had two but nothing to serious” Ericka said

“I’ve honestly never had a boyfriend” I answered honestly

“Never” he said

“Never” I said laughing at him

“When’s the next song going to be released? I cannot wait to hear it” he gushed making me smile and bite my lip to keep me from laughing

“Soon I think, right Ericka?” I asked

“Yeah I think it should be out in a few weeks” she said

“Can we at least know the name of this next song?” he asked

“I’m not sure we can give that out” Ericka said laughing

“Aw” he said pouting

outfit link  -

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