Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Still Ericka’s POV

“Ericka it’s not a date” Juliet said for the tenth time. Currently Juliet was sitting on the bed complaining to me about how it’s not a date but I don’t care she will wear something cute and flirty.

“I don’t care you are wearing what I tell you to wear and you will let me do your makeup and hair” I stated as I turned around to her. I was looking through her clothes now and I finally decided on a mint petal trim top, a pair of skinny jeans, a grey sweater and a pair of leather post top sandals.(A/N link to see outfit:

Juliet’s POV

I took the clothes that Ericka was making me wear and went into the bathroom to change. When I came back from changing I found Ericka with a straightner ready to do my hair. Is it bad I’m scared of this? This wasn’t something I was used to, so it was a bit scary of me

“Come on I only have a small amount of time” Ericka said, sighing I pushed my glasses up from falling and walked over to her. Sitting down on the chair Ericka began straightening my wavy hair.

 After what seemed like hours but was really just ten minutes. Now Ericka had started on my makeup. Did I ever say how much I really dislike makeup? Well I do. I’m more of a lets go natural kind of girl but Ericka insisted on putting a little bit of makeup on me.

“Okay done now you need to put your contacts in” Ericka said handing me my contacts container but only for me to put it back

“I’m wearing my glasses besides the contacts are irritating” I said

“Fine” Ericka said before jumping onto the bed and flipping the television on

“Oh and did I tell you that I’m going on a date with Niall tomorrow” Ericka said giving me a big smile.

“Oh my gosh” I squealed before jumping on her with a loud ‘oomph’

“Tell me everything” I demanded

“First get off of me” Ericka said breathlessly, getting off of her I sat next to her and she sat up before speaking.

“So you know when we left” I nodded my head “Well we ended up going to Louis’s and Harry’s apartment so I went to the kitchen and ran into Niall who had a bag of crisps in his hands which ended up flying everywhere” she started laughing at the memory

“Earth to Ericka” I said snapping my finger in her face

“Sorry, so we ended up talking and he ended up asking me out on a date” Ericka said squealing

“Oh you go girl” I said lightly pushing her

“I’m so excited I can’t sleep” she said taking in a deep breath

“Well of course you can’t sleep its only five” I said

“Oh” she said, we both then burst out into a fit of laughter

Harry’s POV

I stood outside the door to the room; my hands were sweaty which was weird because I’m never nervous for a date. I mean come on I’m Harry Styles for peat sakes. I must really have it for this girl if she is causing me to become this nervous. Taking a deep breath in I finally knocked on the door only for it to be opened a second later.

Standing in front of me was Juliet, her long brown hair was straight and she had light makeup on but it brought out her light brown eyes that were hidden behind her glasses and her lips were a light pink color. Funny, I didn’t think about how she would look with her clothes off like I normally did but I thought about how beautiful she looked when she was the one who said this wasn’t a date.

“Sorry Ericka made me dress up even though I told her this was a date” she said, I felt my heart sink a little knowing this wasn’t a date like I wanted it to be. Wait what? I wanted this to be date, gosh there’s something wrong with me.

“It’s okay you look great” I said giving her a smile. She smiled back and brushed a stray hair behind her ear and looked at the ground. I could see a taint pink color on her cheeks, she was blushing, that’s so cute, I thought to myself.

“Well lets go” I said, her hand brushed against mine as we walked to the elevator. I wanted to take her hand and hold it but it would probably weird her out since this wasn’t supposed to be a date.

“So where are you taking me?” she asked as we got into the elevator, turning toward her I smirked finally gaining back some of my composure.

“That my dear is a surprise” I said smirking

“I don’t like surprises” I heard her say softly only making me let out a chuckle.

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