Chapter 21

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Authors Note

First I have to say that this chapter is kind of emotional and drama filled.

Anyhow... thanks you to everyone who reads this story!

Chapter 21

Still Ericka’s POV

“Do you know where she could be?” Liam asked. Currently we all sat in the hotel room trying to figure out a plan. After the whole argument Harry and I had he kept his distance from me. Honestly you could see on Harry’s face how upset at himself he was for doing that, maybe he really did genially like her. I still am mad at him though, hitting a girl is just wrong on a mans part.

“The old studio” I said jumping up. It made sense though; Juliet always went there when she was upset. Why didn’t I think about that earlier?

“Where is this ‘old studio’?” Zayn asked putting quotations up for ‘old studio’ why beats me.

“Let’s just go I’ll tell the driver” I said as I headed toward the door, turning around the guys looked at me

“Well come on” I said waving them to fallow. Jumping up the boys came outside the room, turning I locked the door before we headed for the elevator.

“So what is this old studio?” Niall asked as he gently took my hand and squeezing it

“Its Juliet’s mom’s old studio where her mother danced and rehearsed for her shows” I said as we walked into the elevator

“Her moms famous?” Louis asked jumping up and down making the elevator go up and down

“No but please stop jumping your making me sick” I said

“Then what did she do?” Liam asked

“Her mom was a singer at a bar but her mom was amazing” I said looking at Liam

“So that’s where she gets her talent” Harry said softly

“Yup” I said popping the ‘p’. The elevator doors opened and we made our way out of the hotel. What stinks about leaving was the fans, most of them where One Direction fans and let me tell you they are crazy but I can’t say anything I was one. We all got into the van and I told the driver where to go. Now I was sitting on Niall’s lap, he said it was okay but I was sitting on his lap because there wasn’t enough room for all of us. Not like I minded sitting on Niall’s lap, wink wink.

20 Minutes Later

The van came to a slow halt in front of the old studio. Liam was first to get out with us behind him. The guys all stood and looked at the studio.

“This is it” I said walking over to the door, turning the knob it opened to reveal a dusty room.

“Come on” I said walking in farther for the guys to come in, they all game in closing the door behind them

“It looks abandon” Zayn said as I led them to the back to where the main studio was.  

“It kind of is, since Juliet goes to a private school she doesn’t go here and her mom can’t walk or speak correctly no one uses it very often” I said as we neared the room

“What happened to her mom?” Niall asked as he held my hand, which I must say was really sweet

“She got really ill” I said frowning,

“Oh” the guys coursed

“Come on” I said as I slowly opened the door. The studio lights were on, the piano was opened showing and there was a bag thrown on the ground. Only thing that was missing was Juliet, we all walked farther in. On the ground was a motionless Juliet, she was still breathing but faintly.

“Call 911” I yelled panicking. I fell onto the floor next to her body and took her in my arms as Liam called 911.

Harry’s POV

This is all my fault! I yelled in my head. I felt like banging my head on the wall. If only I didn’t smack her. If only I wasn’t so God dam cocky. If I didn’t do what I did Juliet wouldn’t be in this position.

It’s all my fault.

I felt a tear fall as I watched her getting taken into the ambulance on a stretcher.


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